I agree with you Mattyvas, to a point.
They overtook on an unbroken line (As I have said before, I'm no angel I've done it myself)
But if Motorcycle riders are given leeway to cross the unbroken line, then we will have cars trying it on
then Trucks, tractors, etc
It will be a free for all, then someone will get killed or badly injured, then there will be an outcry of
why wasn't something done, Won't somebody think of the Children, Etc.
Maybe people crossing the unbroken lines is not so bad in Vic and NSW as it is up here in Cairns (and greater Region)
but is shockingly bad up here, Some of the Semi drivers up here would scare the Piss out of you!!!
but because the Cops focus on the whole speed issue, it get's ignored for
the sake of raising more Cash. and it will take a massive tragic accident to force people to focus on it again,
but as we all know the accident would be blamed on excess speed, and within a couple of days people will be
back to there old habits and driving however they want on the mountain ranges.
I for one would cop it on the chin if I got got caught doing it, I knew I did the wrong thing, I wouldn't like it!
but would would pay the fine and move on.
But I have to say, ok, ping em for crossing the lines, that's one thing, but then the Speeding fine on top of that
is just going to far.