Hey gang,
Here's the quick 'n dirty... It's a 127 mile route, from SF to CSUMB, and there should be at least 4-6 of us riding. Oh, right, I'm talking about bicycles, not motos. But that doesn't mean you kids aren't welcome to come along! You get to sleep late (unlike us), enjoy your coffee
& breakfast, catch up with us at points along the way and watch us suffer.
Here's the one minor catch... We'd like you to carry a few things along with you. I'll have a very small bag prepared for each rider, that will consist of some snack stuffs, a bottle, or similar items.
The ride ends at my friend Steve's place. He's an uber food, beer & coffee aficionado, so you can pretty much count on good grub at the end of the day!
I've mapped out our route, but feel free to take whatever routes you like.
http://beta.mapmyride.com/route/detail/21285430/ No date has been set yet. Ideally, we'd like to do this before October. I'm still working on the last few logistical items, and getting everyone's schedules figured out.
Kick it around and let me know what you think!