I have always had such a huge problem with fatigue during track days. If there are seven sessions, I'm lucky if I can do 5 of them. Even then, I still have to get Stillie to pick up my foot and throw my leg the last bit over the tail section. I wanted to find a physical training program that would help me with not getting quite so tired getting off the bike. The problem is that all of the lifting is done inside 90 degrees. Most methods of lifting work only outside 90. Then it dawned on me: Crossfit. I need to get in shape anyway. I'm 29 and running a mile is so daunting to me.
As luck would have it, there's an affiliate (think dedicated Crossfit gym) right down the street. I just dove in head first with Stillie and we joined. In just 2 weeks, I can feel my triceps for the very first time in my life. My biceps are already getting bigger. My butt doesn't sag as much, and even the cellulite is starting to go away. Not bad! I can't wait to see what I look like in a year.
My first post Crossfit track days are coming up in about six weeks. I'll let everyone know how I do endurance wise.
For those who don't know what it is, the website is
www.crossfit.com. It's a combination of basic PT kinds of moves, olympic lifting, kettlebells, and intense cardio. The workouts are short, and for the rest of the hour, you work on things you want to work on. For me it's going to be working on pull ups and box jumps for now. There are also tons of videos on YouTube. If you search for "crossfit women" there are some great ones in there!
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask or PM.