New Member from SoPo Maine

Started by Duc99, June 29, 2008, 06:30:55 PM

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Hola!  Kinda new to the forums, but i have had some electrical issues lately and was hoping to get some help.  I have a 1999 750 Monster Dark and i bought it used from a dealer three years ago.  I met my wife after i made the purchase as she was learning to ride.  we are happily married with a baby boy and the bike means a lot to me.  unfortunately, its been off the road more than on due to some "mysterious" electrical issues.  I bought a multi-tester and a Haynes manual last month because the dealer can only seem to be able to charge me everytime i go to them and continuously throw Regulator\rectifiers in the bike.  The headlights were replaced with European ones before i bought it and im interested in all of your thoughts.  i would love to start doing the work myself if i knew where to begin and where to buy parts.  Much appreciated!
and thank you in advance!


Welcome Rob, glad you found your way here, congrats on the baby by the way. :)

We've got lots of experts hanging out in Tech, I bet if you posted up the symptoms you are seeing there, someone will help you diagnose your electrical issues.
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