Eddie Murphy
That so funny keep em coming guys thanks , I will need to fill some time during the the days so great.
I have spent more time on the East coast , my Dad used to live in a nice little spot called Mystic Connecticut
Did a lot of sailing with him out in New England sound out too Block Island and Marthers Vinyard what a beautiful place
in the fall
I have been to LA before my wife is originally from Bakersfield but the last time was a bit of an eye opener
It was 1992 the week after the LA riots Rodney King incident .
Made the mistake of renting a convertible RED Mustang at the airport to get out to her family ,we were stuck in gridlock on the motorway and I looked down and saw all the side streets empty
So I got off on the next exit ..........what a big mistake
there was burned out buildings and trash everywhere with some scary looking people hanging around street corners and no other cars on the road.
We didn't stand out much
to young surfer looking tourists in a rental , I went through a few stop signs without stoping .
And got the make the beast with two backs back on the motoway asap