is this a kit? I was under the assumption that the only ohlins unit for the S4R series bikes was a side mount?
Is that a DP unit?
part number pease?
Re: Steering Dampers
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2008, 04:58:45 PM » Reply with quote
Sorry man, but Ohlins doesn't actually make a top mount kit for an S4RS or any S series Monster for that matter. Side mount only.
You can however make a kit yourself using an Ohlins late model yamaha r6 damper kit along with the Arrow mount brackets for s*r series monsters.
I have one of these on my bike currently and it works well. I am about to take it off and swap it out for a side mount Ohlins as I will be trading the bars for clip-ons. I know there are some pics on TOB of this set up on Stankbone's bike. I can send you pics of mine in a few days when i am back at home.
I'm going to be parting this kit out, so PM me if you want some or all of it.
****gday yeah i thought the same but kindly morgan answered for me as you would see above
****i was keen to go with the ohlins top mount but decided against it due to overall size
****still like it though....