Too Much Oil?????

Started by JoDuc, July 21, 2008, 09:46:00 AM

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So about a month ago I noticed my oil was down to the lower bar. I bought some and topped it off to get it to the top bar. I had checked it a few times after and it looked like I put in the right amount, about 1/2 quart. I've put on about 500 miles since adding oil. Bike runs fine, no problems, but now the entire window is completely full! Can too much oil in there do any damage? I don't have the setup to drain any. I ran it yesterday for about a 1/2 hour and as of this AM the window is completely full. Thanks for the advice...


yes it can.

can never remember if it's a cold or hot check on the window, but the manual should say


Per the manual and industry knowledge you should check the oil when it is warm not hot or cold. Let it run for just a couple of minutes and check it.  If it is over the high level you'll want to get some out of there asap.  Running too much oil is just as bad if not worse than not enough.

Just use a 10 mm allen socket for the drain plug and don't pull it out all the way.  You should be able to get some out that way.  Or get a thin turkey baster type deal and suck it out of the fill plug.
Wherever I May Roam, Where I Lay My Head Is Home
02 620 Dark- High Mount CF Arrows


Thanks for the quick replies! I'll check it out when I get home...  [beer]


You can also use a spray bottle nozzle, just stick the tube down the filler hole and squeeze away into a bucket or bottle
2006 S2R1K  |  Red + White  |  Full Carbon Arrows


Quote from: m1moto on July 21, 2008, 10:39:51 AM
You can also use a spray bottle nozzle, just stick the tube down the filler hole and squeeze away into a bucket or bottle

wow.  that's pretty good.  beats the hell out of my "drain it till it's low and add a bit back in" method


You probably already know this but it's worth mentioning.
Make sure you check the oil level w/ the bike upright and level not on the kick stand.
'03 M1000Sie (in need of a bath), '71 Honda CB500 (the Project), '10 Tiger (the tourer)


Quote from: m1moto on July 21, 2008, 10:39:51 AM
You can also use a spray bottle nozzle, just stick the tube down the filler hole and squeeze away into a bucket or bottle

Wow, that is about the coolest idea I've heard.  [clap] [clap] [thumbsup]
Wherever I May Roam, Where I Lay My Head Is Home
02 620 Dark- High Mount CF Arrows