Side stand switch remove M695

Started by cencalal, November 27, 2017, 05:23:09 PM

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Want to remove the side stand switch and wiring to eliminate a possible trouble spot - don't worry, I won't forget to put the stand up.  Apparently i could just unplug the connector and jump the two wires (black and black/white) there, or is there a better place to do that "upstream" somewhere?  I see that on some other models there's a relay that can be eliminated with a jumper wire at that location, but the 695 has only two relays, one of which has a black/white wire to it along with a couple of orange ones...



I have bridged the wires as a stop gap until I got a new switch. And yep I would forget to flip the stand up on my Evo. Strangely, I dont forget on my old Monster with its funky old dash warning light.
2015 Scrambler 800


Easily done at the connector, but if I could eliminate any extra wiring or components above the connector...?


You can trace them back in the loom and connect them. Remember that the stand switch will be needed for a safety cert if you sell it, so make it reversable.
2015 Scrambler 800


I guess that was my question - where do the wires go from the connector?  I can't read a schematic that I found online - is there a clear one somewhere that I could read on my laptop?  Even if I could read it I probably wouldn't be able to reason this out on my own  :-[


The two wires, upstream from the connector, go into the harness. IMO it doesn't make sense to go further than the connector.
252,000 km/seventeen years - loving it


Don't want to go on and on here, but I can see where the blk and blk/wht wires go in - I'm wondering where they come out!  These are too small gauge to be keeping things running - not because of the current load, but because they're so thin that they could break from vibration as happens on these bikes.  If I could eliminate them and do a jump back up the circuit somewhere, so much the better. 


One to the ECU and the second joins other common grounds. Both are probaly/certainly following other wires 'inside' the harness.
252,000 km/seventeen years - loving it


I'd seen this kit, but it just adds complexity.  They might have worded the description differently than " This bypass kit is built to the same high standards as the OEM wiring harness."   ;)