"lack of braking" is a pretty broad description, can you unpack that a little?
You're right, sorry SD. By lack of braking I mean... Say I come up. On an ocean of brake lights unexpectedly. With my prior setup on my old M750, dual gold lines + dual snowflake rotors AND that supposedly crappy (I say supposedly because I always thought that coffin master was underrated)... 2 finger dead stop from 75mph within seconds. Same scenario on the Scrambler which is a far more powerful bike: I grab a fistful of lever, pull it all the way to the grip {using about 20% rear in both scenarios) and the SCR... It stops like an old car... I don't know how else to describe it... It's terrified me a couple times when I've been out having fun, ran into a blind corner too hot and tried to scrub off speed as fast as possible.
Does that help at all? I understand this bike was meant to be a SCRAMBLER but imo it's a spurt bike... I want it to be a sport bike.. And it wants to be a sport bike. The 66mm stroke is just too much fun to pass up on.. The 803cc is simply the most fun L twin Ducati has ever made (again IMHO).
So it sounds, the way I'm talking, is a front end swap with dual discs is really the right way to go... But I'm no Rossi, and I don't mind a snatchy, fast brake. My right hand is calibrated for it. So I guess just wondering what I can hope to achieve with a single disc, what results different pads / MC / rotor could achieve... Etcetera.
Again Speedog best way to describe the current single disc setup is.. It stops like an old car. Pedal to the metal and hope you stop in time.
The question about installing a setup that deletes the ABS is still on my mind.. Whether or not with it tied to the electronics would I be creating gremlins.