No worries Mudder.
Dad had the sucky duty of calling his son and telling him that his immaculate black CBR had been royally screwed up... when he described the place to Tom, Tom replied that he knew exactly which corner Dad was talking about, because it had messed him up too.
When I hit it, I inadvertently blipped the throttle a little (same as I heard the Aprilia do), and it tweaked my line, but it didn't completely unsettle my SS (nor did I cross the double-yellows). It was a pretty fricken hard "WHUMP" to my backside, though (ouch... I hope I'm still capable of having kids after some of the hits I've taken while riding that thing). If I had been all tensed up, I'm sure it would've messed me up more. After multiple trips down less-than-ideal roads, I've really learned to relax and move with the bike and road when flying around corners. Otherwise the stiff suspenders on the SS would buck me off.
Anyway, here's a couple pics of the bike that I took with the cameraphone (click to see full-size)...
I have to pay for pic messages to Photobucket, so I'll post more pics of the bike & corner later when I have the chance to download them from my phone onto my home PC for free.
Oh, on a side note... whatever those stock Dunlops are on the CBR... yeah... don't buy those. I think they're the 206s, but I'm not sure. Whatever was stock on a 2005 CBR600RR. They're bloody hard and they don't grip well (never have). I like my Michelins and Dave seems to be having good luck with the stock Pirellis on his Daytona, Dragon Supercorsa Pros - OEM compound. Dad has never liked the way the Dunlops feel on the road, and even sitting static the compound feels way too hard (oh, they were correctly inflated when we left that morning... and we checked again after the wreck to be sure).