S2R 800 gear shifter replacement price..

Started by craigo, August 12, 2008, 10:19:38 PM

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I need a new gear shifter for my '07 S2R800.. Frasers wanted $188. This seemed insanely over priced, till I rang Northside and they wanted $213. I rang around a bunch of wreckers and none had any late model monsters. Am I nuts in thinking that 188 is super expensive or this really just the price you pay?

Super T.I.B


If that is the case I would be currently reviewing the rearset options. Not cheap but in value for money terms it could be a better option.
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Seems a little nuts.......
Can you try clicking on the ducati seattle link.
They may be able to help you with price.


Quote from: Super T.I.B on August 12, 2008, 10:24:38 PM
What happened to the one on there?

How do I put this, it's errr, sitting somewhere on the outside edge of turn 2 at Eastern Creek along with chunks of my leathers, some paint and a small portion of my pride. [clap]

I lowsided at circuitbreakers on Monday. I'm fine (apart from a slightly hyper extended pinky and a somewhat bruised ego). Bike is pretty much rideable, just a little scratched up where the bars rolled back into the tank and the gear shifter and stand have been ground off.

I looked at rearsets Betty, 580ish US each from is a little outside what I can afford to spend right now (+ I am impatient and want it fixed ASAP).


I suggest emailing motocreations in the US. Have a look on the parts for sale section of this board. the guy has a few ads with plenty of parts. Seems to be a dedicated wrecker of Monsters.

I think Spider has bought from him so he can prob chime in with his experience.

Bound to be cheaper than your current option.

Edit: Sorry wrong guy. Its a guy called Chris who is Motored-Sports. Shoulda looked first.
Quote from: ducmeister on May 24, 2012, 01:45:16 AM
Hey Techno you are a smart man.  [thumbsup]

Had an accident in Tasmania? - www.tas-compo-law.com.au


... and maybe you don't need a specific S2R 800 one - I don't know how interchangeable these parts are between different models.

Sorry to hear about the spill, seems you are OK though which is the main thing.
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Sorry to hear about your spill, have a look in the parts for sale or try putting an ad in the parts wanted section in the main board, there's always guys and gals there wrecking bikes, and the post from the states won't break the bank. Depends on how fast you need it as it normally takes about ten days to get here.
"The make the beast with two backsin monkey started it..."

From a story by RAT900


all 8 dirty little fingers and 2 dirty thumbs in every bloody pie in town...

well, Chris from motored-sports will be your cheapest option and he does have a heap of stuff.


he can take some time to send the order out...and a little while to respond - he's a one man operation...send him an email NOW! he may be sending me something and feel free to put yours in too...


The Don and I just bought some rear sets (Sato) for $460 - could that help? I'm expecting to have delivery in 2 weeks? email me if you want the email address for the contact...

you could also try Euro Brit down in Vic on (03) 9432 6886 they part out Ducatis


Quote from: craigo on August 12, 2008, 10:19:38 PM
I need a new gear shifter for my '07 S2R800.. Frasers wanted $188. This seemed insanely over priced, till I rang Northside and they wanted $213. I rang around a bunch of wreckers and none had any late model monsters. Am I nuts in thinking that 188 is super expensive or this really just the price you pay?

look on the parts for sales list, find the dude called motored-sports and PM him - I'm sure he will have one - he parts out a lot of monsters and it's sure to be a hell of a lot cheaper!

<edit - damn should have read right the way down - agree with Spider, can take a while but worth it for the cheap!>


'08 S4RS Tri, '02 VOR En450, MV Agusta F4 Tracky, Ducati 900 Darmah.


How much of the lever have you got left? Just spotted in the "how to" section a thread by chris from motored sports on how to repair your shifter.

"The make the beast with two backsin monkey started it..."

From a story by RAT900