Hi All,
It's good to be here. The old place has turned "dark" (and blinky with adds). It reminds me of "It's a Wonderful Life" when George was never born and the mean old Potter runs the town. Who ever is running things doesn't seem to care about what is said or how it's said. Thanks for putting this place together.
I am in San Jose, CA. I've been riding for about nine months now. I started on a Honda Rebel. I was happy with that for almost a week, then I started looking for something bigger. I bought a 2000 M750. Now I'm eyeing the S2R1000, but will wait until I've been riding for at least a full year. I don't have any beer but I can supply popcorn.
I haven't been as active as in the forum as I would like. I am happy to say that I just turned in the final copy of my Master's Project
. I'm sick and tired of school :bang. Once approved, I'll have my Master's and more time for play mo:t:!!
Hello to those I know and to new friends!
The MBalmer