Phantom Canyon Tuesday Nights

Started by Smitch, August 27, 2008, 08:23:32 AM

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Other than the fact that my employer and my banker like me to WORK every friggin' day, yes I'm into it, the geographical aspect also comes into play, Friday eve's work good, exept the place is prolly packed, maybe??  will like to set up a fri. eve thing on the 9th if possible??.. say 6:00 then I could sneak outta' here, catch my Wife and meet you folks there. what are the logistics of that??  The billiards are a friend of mine so I would like to meet them there too...Oh and then there is the BEER thing I love also, MMmmm... [beer] [beer]
" I believe You understand what You think I said, but I'm not sure You realize that what You heard is not what I meant " !!


Depending on the weather, I can be there on Friday night.  I'm taking a load of WannaDucBad's stuff down to Albuquerque Saturday morning.  But if Raton Pass is going to get nasty, I'll have to leave Friday instead.  Hope to see you there. 
The Smelly Pirate Hooker


as long as there isn't snow on the ground, I'll be there! 

I... uh.... only own a bike....  because that makes soo much sense in Colorado!
Catching a yellow-jacket in your shirt at seventy miles per hour can double your vocabulary. 

Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window.


I'm heading to Albuquerque this afternoon so I won't be at Phantom Canyon this evening in case anyone was still planning on going.  Have fun and stay warm!
The Smelly Pirate Hooker


 Bonfy,   I thought You would go today, My wife left this morning for a Family emergency in north Texas,She said the weather was still great for Her drive ,I will be staying close to the house for a while. Will have to try again soon.   Smokescreen, You'll have to take up the slack, maybe find some New Recruits, should be some good Pool shots around there tho'. keep the Felts groomed!! [thumbsup]
" I believe You understand what You think I said, but I'm not sure You realize that what You heard is not what I meant " !!


I didn't get out of town until 4:00.  It was bad between Colorado Springs and Walsenberg.  Added at least an hour to my trip and I found out that the dually actually does better in 2-wheel high than 4-wheel high.  I need to check my tire sizes to see if they are the same front and back.  Or my gear ratios may be off.  All I know is the back end was pushing when I put it in 4-wheel drive.   Flurries between Las Vegas and Santa Fe, too, but all is well that ends well.  I was trying to make it down in time for the 1100 unveiling at PJ's.  I hope Smokescreen didn't venture out on the Duc in that soup tonight.   
The Smelly Pirate Hooker


Not to worry.  I had an early day and with poor weather, i decided to stay in a relax...  Need to prep for all out assault on job market this next week.
Catching a yellow-jacket in your shirt at seventy miles per hour can double your vocabulary. 

Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window.


So, it's a beautiful day today with highs in the mid sixties. 

I need to spend most of the day wrapping up my house painting and cleaning, but I was wondering if come mid afternoon any of you's wanna meet up at PC for a barley pop?  I'm open to the whens, so message me if you are interested, and I'll make the detour!  I could do with a little beercheese soup too....  In preparation for the cold month.  Which looks to be next week.

text or call
eight 1 eight 572 seven 8 four 1 
Catching a yellow-jacket in your shirt at seventy miles per hour can double your vocabulary. 

Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window.


I'd pop in, but I am in Albuquerque.  I made it to DucNight down here last night.  Got some great shots which I will post on the NMMR when I get back.  I have one more trip before Feb. 1st, then will be around alot more for impromptu Duc gatherings.  Yea!!!!!! [thumbsup]
The Smelly Pirate Hooker


Gloria, I look forward to having you up here again!!

It was a sad day in Colorado Springs today....  I saw not another Ducati on the road.  Harleys?  In bulk...  Ricers??  Almost as many as Harleys...  I even saw a guy out on the new V-Maxx!  Ducatis on a warm sunny day in Colorado?  Nope.  I'm pretty sure mine was the only uncorked Italian adding to the pollution.  I almost teared up a little.  Except, I was on my Ducati, so I was alright!
Catching a yellow-jacket in your shirt at seventy miles per hour can double your vocabulary. 

Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window.


 [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

   Thanks for carrying the Duc crowd today, I am sure you did us proud, Smokescreen.   That's how I felt in Sturgis last year.  I saw two Ducati's during the whole trip (not counting Smitch in Monument).   
   Yup, it has been back and forth at least four times this month.  Just quick turn-around trips while I finish moving my stuff up here.  I am still job hunting in both places so if anyone knows of anything, send me a pm.   [thumbsup]
The Smelly Pirate Hooker


Hey all.... It's Tuesday again, in case anyone in CSPGS wants to have a brew buddy this evening.  Just lemme know and I'm there.  I could use a good beer.

Catching a yellow-jacket in your shirt at seventy miles per hour can double your vocabulary. 

Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window.


Hey guys! I am still up for hitting up PC. I finally sent off the title search ppwk...GEEZ! Anyhow, it would be fun to talk Ducs a bit. Even though mine probably is not gonna get out for 2 weeks or so. Any idea for a next meeting time? Thurs would be better 4 in tomorrow....any takers for 530 or later? Either way, call or text 360-6174.

email is good also

Thanks yall!



I'm always up for it, but I reckon we need one more person to make it not weird, us being step-in-laws-half-step-mother-etc.  [laugh] [laugh]  I'm hoping Smokescreen or KRJ will pipe in.  Last week, I was waiting to see if anyone would jump in when Smokescreen posted up.  We need at least three to make it a partay!  Can't wait to see you out and about on that black and blue beauty.
The Smelly Pirate Hooker


Sorry Folks, but the weekday thing  just seems to be impossible for me to swing.  tho' I will be at H :o :o ters on sunday for the race, ect.  Have fun, and I'll see you all then...
" I believe You understand what You think I said, but I'm not sure You realize that what You heard is not what I meant " !!