Mornings @ Montagues every other weekend, 9am.

Started by Smitch, August 27, 2008, 08:28:41 AM

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All right, I was retarded....  It's true.

Blue is back on the road though!!!  More or less

I'm taking it easy till I've got the left hand control and the chain replaced
no night riding, but she feels great!

Lemme know as soon as someone wants to hit Montegues, I've never been!
Catching a yellow-jacket in your shirt at seventy miles per hour can double your vocabulary. 

Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a car window.


Hey everyone!  As VP of this outfit, I have been called out by our Secretary to get a meeting together before she and Mike go off to have their baby.  Dave, if you are out there, jump right in and brush me back off the plate.  Throw Lance some chin music, cuz he's the one goading me on here. 

This is my plan, open to suggestions, but here is my attempt to get the gang together:

Sunday, August 30th I am going to be at Montague's at 9AM swilling coffee.   [coffee]    If anyone shows up, we will have a psuedo-meeting, just covering any pertinent club business.  Obviously there hasn't been anything too pressing or we'd have heard about it, right?

After that, we can do a run up Ute Pass or down to Canon CIty, it doesn't matter to me, I prefer loosely formed plans.   [moto]  The most important part of the day for me will be MotoGP which is on at 1PM Mountain time.   Everyone who shows up is welcome to watch it at my place or we can go find it at a sports bar.  Cheaper at my place though. 

If you want to catch just coffee, just the riding, or just the MotoGP, that's fine!  PM me for directions to my house.  I will be perched on the edge of my couch at 12:55PM.   [popcorn]

Hope to see you all Sunday! 
The Smelly Pirate Hooker


   Sounds like a damn good plan to me, Shannon and I will make every effort to be there. Let's get some action in before Winter. And bonfy thanks for the hospitality of offering your house for MOTO GP. [clap]
" I believe You understand what You think I said, but I'm not sure You realize that what You heard is not what I meant " !!


Bonfy, you are now the President or is it both you and Lance?



Now, there you went and did it again!  No sooner did I pull up that post and all I heard was leather and latex as Lance beat cheeks out of here.  You're going to have to slip this in under the radar if you want him to have any part of it.  I told him I need him to give the office some credibility since no one will take me seriously.   [cheeky] 

I'm NOT the Pres until Dave gives the word.  I will gladly do the VP thing though which just means filling in while Dave is predisposed...right?
The Smelly Pirate Hooker


    Bonfy, don't worry, You won't be shanghi'd into somthing You might not want to do. And Lance...Well He is more than welcome, but I'm not sure about the Alpaca, Sheep, Gargoyl thing, a little self control might be needed ;D
" I believe You understand what You think I said, but I'm not sure You realize that what You heard is not what I meant " !!


Nah, I don't mind doing it at all.  I just don't want to nudge out Dave if he is still into it.

Quote from: KRJ on August 25, 2009, 09:51:37 AM

   Sounds like a damn good plan to me, Shannon and I will make every effort to be there. Let's get some action in before Winter. And bonfy thanks for the hospitality of offering your house for MOTO GP. [clap]

No problem!  Now that I have Sundays' off  (supposedly) I plan to make it a regular routine.  You'll find me at Montague's Sunday mornings ready to ride.  My place is always open for MotoGP viewing!     
The Smelly Pirate Hooker


I'm in for the lot!  Sounds like a great time.  See y'all Sunday.


It's a little misty out there, but I'll be a Montague's for coffee at 9AM anyway.  We can play it by ear on the riding.  MotoGP at my place at 1PM.  Come on over.  If Indy gets on a rain delay, I have several  of the last races on my DVR for viewing. I'll be back to the house by 12:30 one way or another!  Hope to see you all in a bit!
The Smelly Pirate Hooker


Great to see you all this morning!  What a fun ride up to Cripple Creek!  I haven't been up there since I moved back to town.  Glad the weather didn't prevent us from getting out for a bit before the races.  We got back down an hour later than planned so I'm sorry if anyone came by to find the place unoccupied. 

The Smelly Pirate Hooker


   Meeting Sun. 9/20, at 9:00. We will have at least one guest from the NMMR (HDH), possibly more, weather is looking very good, get Your chores done and show up to ride!!! [moto]
" I believe You understand what You think I said, but I'm not sure You realize that what You heard is not what I meant " !!


  Don't think I will make coffee this Sun. but I will be riding Sat.   post up if You plan on Sunday meet at Monte's, weather should be great...
" I believe You understand what You think I said, but I'm not sure You realize that what You heard is not what I meant " !!


    Spring is upon Us, is there a schedule for meetings/rides yet?   weather should yield to riding soon...WHOO HOO !!!
" I believe You understand what You think I said, but I'm not sure You realize that what You heard is not what I meant " !!


Thanks for the gentle nudge there, KRJ.  I will put together a tentative schedule subject to approval by the gang at the first Sunday morning Montague meeting.  Lance said he'd be glad to do it, in fact, there's been a flurry of activity down in the cellar since he saw your post.  This scares me.  He'd have us out there in it right now in the most gnarly of situations.  I've never done this, am not super familiar with the area, and what is still new to me may be old and boring for you guys who've been riding the roads here for quite a while.   All those excuses aside, I will make an attempt within the week.   [coffee] [moto] [popcorn]
The Smelly Pirate Hooker


  Prolly just need to start with a meeting and work it from there. We never really had a formal ride destination scheduled, people would throw out suggestions and as a group would decide. If someone wanted to lead a ride, throw it out early enough so people can see if it fits, and adjust as needed. The Majority rules system seems to have been good in the past, informal fits Me, lets set up a first meet date and see. Any suggestions ?...
" I believe You understand what You think I said, but I'm not sure You realize that what You heard is not what I meant " !!