I was putting on my new headlight and discovered that I couldn't find my flux and was low on solder. So necessity being the mother of invention (and laziness her pimp) I decided to figure out a different way to join my wires and still be able to shrink tube them. I ended up with a solution involving a single bullet connector for each wire join. I hope someone finds this useful. If not then ignore me like my wife and kids do.
1- strip the connector; I found it easiest to remove the skirt first and the rest of the casing afterward.
http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/qq218/cissell_sean/Crimpmystyle1.jpg2- cut off the end of the bullet; if using a Dremel type tool make sure to wear gloves and eye protection please
http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/qq218/cissell_sean/Crimpmystyle2.jpg3- Shrink tube now! Classic blunder- get the wires all crimped only to realize you forgot to slip on the tubing.
4- join the wires and crimp- the wires should 'mesh' in the middle of the connector. Crimp on each end of your connector.
http://i449.photobucket.com/albums/qq218/cissell_sean/Crimpmystyle3.jpg5- test your join; slight tug on each should result in no movement. Then mount your part and test for proper function.
6- heat the shrink tubing- isolate each wire and then seal the whole assembly with a full wrap, or at least electrical tape.