« on: September 02, 2008, 06:29:57 PM » |
i got the crg folding lever for the brake and put it on the old style brembo coffin shaped reserviors.
install was simple enouhg but as i found out when i rode the "plunger" adjustment screw was off so the lever had to be pulled a good distance before the brake light was actuated.
quesiton is this, i have adjusted teh plunger screw so that there is only minimal pull before the brake light is actuated, but its still literally 3mm of extra pull more than the brembo non adjustable lever and the screw is all the way in and can't be adjusted more, have any of you run into this problem?
also is one solution to use the pllunger rod that brembo supplies with the non adjustable lever that is slightly longer? or will it not work?
how much play do you put in the lever before the brake light actuates?