A note to Cooleye : sorry to hear your news. I've been there and belive me its does get better but when your in it its rough. If you ever need to talk or just need someone to ride with drop me a note .
Thanks for the thoughts everyone,....but it was a long time coming and I am not sad about it. I am not one of those types that is going to go to the corner and suck my thumb and call for mommy ....I have a new place and a new roomate, and with the exception of not having my daughter with me every night, life still rules! Viva la Sunshine
My two cents about the group is this: If the ride is me and someone else, then it is good! (riding by yourself alot stinks!) But as far as my observations about this group is there is alot of "family" people in it, and that stuff comes first. I also do alot of photography and this summer I did around 6 weddings (and when are weddings??? Sat or Sun). So right there, I was out alot. Some of the other group I rode with in the past seemed to be single people or people with girlfriends/boyfriends and they had every weekend to ride.
But, I think we should still try to meetup over the winter. Just to keep everyone in the loop....and there is always that occasional warm/hot day where a last minute ride could happen. (maybe go explore Lamar where it is not cold like the mountains)!