DOC NSW Concourse

Started by giannig, September 07, 2008, 03:49:33 AM

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Quote from: Big T on September 21, 2008, 06:04:49 AM
Hey Wazz was a great day and is the first one I have entered. Got to see lots of Dukes (which I wouldn't normally see) and some new ideas for bling for mine. Meet some new riders and discussed war stories. Bought some raffle tickets and fully support the club supporting the Moorong unit. A very worthy cause.

Appreciate all the time you and club put into an event like this. Not easy in the hectic life we all lead.

Congrats to Gianni & Chris for their wins and all the other winners.....  [thumbsup]

See you all on the twisties.....  [moto]

Thanks big T im glad one of you liked it and your S4R looked great , mine was the white S4RS beside yours but Giani won it fair and square his bike is nice and very well loved.

that same bike has been entered on 2 previous years and did not get a look in cause of the extra's , the judging rules were  relaxed this year to attract more bikes so giani's bike was good candigate for a prize .
He was not going to enter at all I asked him too and he said it had no chance but hey he was wrong he wone !!!

If the DMF only knew who he brought it off !!!  the bike has always been looked after.



Hey Waz,

Thanks for putting on a good day. It was a great turn out and I know you put a lot of work into it.

It was great to see so many Monsters out.

These types of contests are always challenging but I know DOC put a lot of effort into making it as fair as possible. I am sure they will adapt it over the years and take on the feedback as they did this year by allowing bling.

I personally was not going to enter until Waz continually encouraged me so I spent 3 hours in the morning cleaning it. I am glad I did as my bike looks better than it has in a long time. I never thought I had a chance of winning as I thought Big T's bike was the nicest. I guess it came down to the 42000 klm's I have.

I can tell you though, that I did ride down to the event, I do ride all the time, I ride it hard (even at the track) and I only have one bike which I love.

As for the people that did trailer their bikes, I only know 2 of them and they are 2 of the most passionate Ducatisti I know. They live for their Ducati's and I respect that. They ride their bikes more than most of us and whilst most of us have other hobbies and interests they spend their spare time cleaning their bikes.

Lets not let the contest get in our way of our love for Ducati's and our passion of riding with our mates.

Congratulations to all of you for having such great bikes, each with its own character and personality.


Super T.I.B

Sorry I couldn't make it.....damn shame really! I would have liked to see you guys.

Anyway, was there much of a turnout from Joe/Jill Public? It's good to see lots of bikes and the owners there but I would say it would be even better to get more of the general public to see the displays. They don't get to see real bikes often.  ;)

Judging from the comments so far, it's not really about winning a dust collector, it's all about fallen riders and raising money for the spinal unit. Maybe next time you could say chain gunge is bling. I know I could have put a little sign on my front tyre saying that it's a specially made one off experimental tyre that is one side racing slick, other side street tyre. It would be a great tyre on NASCAR tracks.  [cheeky]

Anyway Wazz, don't take it personally, looks like you put on a great day and we all hope you raised some cash for the spinal unit.  [thumbsup]


I say well done to the DOC for such an event.
I did not get a chance to get down there but from all accounts it was a good day.
To those having a sook cause of the judging I think you should pull your head in! Its a show, Concourse infact, so you outta be marked down for grease and dirt. I have not seen many successful show cars that are dirty in my time!
Keep it in perspective, the public got a chance to see some nice bikes, charity benefitted and the judges awarded the prizes to the bikes they felt were best presented on the Day. Get over it. [beer]
'08 S4RS Tri, '02 VOR En450, MV Agusta F4 Tracky, Ducati 900 Darmah.


hi guys - was good to see a few of you there - I didn't know who some of the others on here were, but Jukie attempted to point out a few, I'm sure I ended up talking to some of you! Was my very first concourse and my thoughts went along with how they ran it, I wasn't surprised they marked down for dirty bits on a bike, it is a concourse after all and that has always meant to me - level of factory condition and presentation. I had a listen to the judges when they went over my bike - it was pretty funny being parked next to an entirely carbon bike, but I was there to make up numbers like they asked and they told me they looked for the general condition of all parts of the bike and then rated them against the age and km of the bike.

For them to consider bling an acceptable addition to the beloved original models shows some forward thinking and at least they are trying to keep us happy considering we might come from a different perspective to the concourse 'showroom condition' lovers.

Was a great day, got lots of good photos with my new little snapper and got to see my other favourite automotive mode of transport - the Shelby cobras that were on display up the road. droooooool.  It was a day of automotive PORN!  [thumbsup]


Quote from: wazzaeborman on September 21, 2008, 05:59:44 AM

but shit some one says the rules sucked and the raffle was rigged.

Um, bullshit.

I think the criticism was that we didn't have a good handle on the judging criteria (or differentiation between categories). Nobody suggested the raffle was rigged, we all bought tickets ... supporting the cause without the need to crow about. When the draws were made and we were standing together as a group we had a good laugh that most tickets were green, etc, etc ... it was a joke for those present, the DMF members.

We used to be able to laugh at theses things in the past. I have found your posts far more confrontational than the so called whinging. I know a lot of work goes into organising and running these events, but try not to take it personally ... discussing these things on the forum is how we learn and it may or may not make us do things differently in the future.

If you want different people to participate in these things you have to expect different views, some of the feedback seems to indicate perhaps people may go back to parking 'outside' having a look around and buggering off for a ride ... whatever will be will be.
Believe post content at your own risk.


Quote from: Super T.I.B on September 21, 2008, 02:29:57 PM
Sorry I couldn't make it.....damn shame really! I would have liked to see you guys.

Anyway, was there much of a turnout from Joe/Jill Public? It's good to see lots of bikes and the owners there but I would say it would be even better to get more of the general public to see the displays. They don't get to see real bikes often.  ;)

Judging from the comments so far, it's not really about winning a dust collector, it's all about fallen riders and raising money for the spinal unit. Maybe next time you could say chain gunge is bling. I know I could have put a little sign on my front tyre saying that it's a specially made one off experimental tyre that is one side racing slick, other side street tyre. It would be a great tyre on NASCAR tracks.  [cheeky]

Anyway Wazz, don't take it personally, looks like you put on a great day and we all hope you raised some cash for the spinal unit.  [thumbsup]

taa ,  its nice to see someone  reconises the charity side of the event , not me so much but the committee puts a lot of time in for these events and it's all volenteer work.


Quote from: Betty on September 21, 2008, 04:46:50 PM
Um, bullshit.

I think the criticism was that we didn't have a good handle on the judging criteria (or differentiation between categories). Nobody suggested the raffle was rigged, we all bought tickets ... supporting the cause without the need to crow about. When the draws were made and we were standing together as a group we had a good laugh that most tickets were green, etc, etc ... it was a joke for those present, the DMF members.

We used to be able to laugh at theses things in the past. I have found your posts far more confrontational than the so called whinging. I know a lot of work goes into organising and running these events, but try not to take it personally ... discussing these things on the forum is how we learn and it may or may not make us do things differently in the future.

If you want different people to participate in these things you have to expect different views, some of the feedback seems to indicate perhaps people may go back to parking 'outside' having a look around and buggering off for a ride ... whatever will be will be.

well   i was not sooking about being marked down for a dirty chain was  ,  the rules were fair and the right bikes won for the right reasons and as for the comment about raffle the post was not written like that if you would have posted it in a joking way maybe it would have been precieved that way.

anyway im over it  , the concours was fair and  if want to park in car park and not have people look at your bikes go for it , we just wanted bikes to be seen not hidden.


Quote from: wazzaeborman on September 21, 2008, 06:08:47 PM

well   i was not sooking about being marked down for a dirty chain was  ,  the rules were fair and the right bikes won for the right reasons and as for the comment about raffle the post was not written like that if you would have posted it in a joking way maybe it would have been precieved that way.

anyway im over it  , the concours was fair and  if want to park in car park and not have people look at your bikes go for it , we just wanted bikes to be seen not hidden.

I wasn't sooking about being marked down for a dirty chain 'cos it wasn't my bike, but it is an interesting thing to call me on because I wasn't even the first to mention it here ... and it wasn't their bike either.

I have not said the rules weren't fair, just acknowledging that our understanding is a lacking .... and I most certainly have NOT suggested the judging was unfair or that the winners were not the most deserving .... but feel free to keep saying it as you see it.

At least we have something in common .... I'm over it too.
Believe post content at your own risk.


Where is all the love?  :P  I think that this thread may have some elements being blown somewhat out of proportion..

I came along with my GF Steph (correctomundo Mark :) ), just to check out how things worked and to drool on other peoples Dukes. Neither of us chose to enter our bikes for one reason or another, but we still had an awesome day. I hope my bikes looks as neat when it hits 40K+ Kms!

To be honest I was surprised to hear that a dirty chain lost points as well, but I've never actually been to this sort of thing before.. Is there anywhere where the judging criteria is detailed so next time anyone that chooses to show their bikes knows what to expect (and how to optimise their results)? I guess if everyone knows what to expect it lowers the likelihood issues down the track.

hugs, peace, love and mungbeans. 


Quote from: craigo on September 21, 2008, 08:20:06 PM
Where is all the love?  :P  I think that this thread may have some elements being blown somewhat out of proportion..

I came along with my GF Steph (correctomundo Mark :) ), just to check out how things worked and to drool on other peoples Dukes. Neither of us chose to enter our bikes for one reason or another, but we still had an awesome day. I hope my bikes looks as neat when it hits 40K+ Kms!

To be honest I was surprised to hear that a dirty chain lost points as well, but I've never actually been to this sort of thing before.. Is there anywhere where the judging criteria is detailed so next time anyone that chooses to show their bikes knows what to expect (and how to optimise their results)? I guess if everyone knows what to expect it lowers the likelihood issues down the track.

hugs, peace, love and mungbeans. 

Well done Craig, is kinda what I was getting at. I wasn't having a go at anyone, sorry if it came across that way.

I have been told most people don't get my weird sense of humour ... and that's without the complication of the written word. My lack of intelligence however is obvious to all.

and mmmm ...... mungbeans!
Believe post content at your own risk.


thanks to the DOC and the DMF gang, had a great day!  [thumbsup] - Chris

p.s. I defaulted on the way home too!
...Sydmonster - down under
Contact me about your mods and what Street Cred Points you can earn!

Super T.I.B

Quote from: sydmonster on September 21, 2008, 09:58:03 PM
thanks to the DOC and the DMF gang, had a great day!  [thumbsup] - Chris

p.s. I defaulted on the way home too!

Wot you mean?

Did you get booked?  :P


Quote from: Super T.I.B on September 21, 2008, 10:01:57 PM
Wot you mean?

Did you get booked?  :P

It's a little joke.... let me explain.

Yes, my bike did win a trophy but in the words of homer simpson, I won by the two greatest words in the english language de! fault!...
I entered my bike in the modified category. I was the only one, so I felt like a bit of a knob really. The DOC goes to a lot of trouble to accomodate as many bikes as possible and nicely enough they have a modified section, were ANY duke can enter. This year I was the only one... hence the default.
There were several bikes in other sections that could have done well too in the same section, but I think the funny tree trunk, the bugs, being at the back and my ugly head kept everyone away.  ;D
- Chris

ps, it was still a great day regardless!

...Sydmonster - down under
Contact me about your mods and what Street Cred Points you can earn!


waz I do think you are taking it as a personal attack on you and the club.
But as has been said if you invite new people along you have to expect they will discuss there
Views after. I for one looked high and low for the criteria on the DOC website but couldn't find it. So we all live and learn feedback both positive and negative is how people learn.
In anycase I did have a great day and appreciated every bike there.