A Big, Fat Welcome for SKOM.....

Started by Super T.I.B, September 07, 2008, 03:31:32 PM

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Hey SKOM, welcome guy, pal, friend.

We say; "howyagoing?"

you say; "good mate! take it easy mate!"

- Chris

ps, no we dont really have Ice Hockey, Toronto's, a Detroit equiv, guns, Coors or Miller. Our houses you need to get your own appliances, you pay for schools (until you become a citizen) and you cant vote, but its compolsury once you become a citizen. We don't have mounties, or much snow at all, we dont club seals, or have may fat walrus types in clubs either. Our football players dont wear pads or helmets. We like barbies, but forget shrimps, we eat meat dammit! Crock dundee was a movie and Steve said crickey all the time coz he though he was was a home video of some sort... bless the little bugger!
We do seem to have a love-hate thing with NZ, much like Canada and the US. Its a joke thing, except were the better half in our case  ;D.
...Sydmonster - down under
Contact me about your mods and what Street Cred Points you can earn!


We call people we don't like Wankers.

Doesn't matter what season it is....we DON'T eat bull testicles.


Quote from: Spider on September 09, 2008, 12:53:20 AM
relax Paul, he's a canuck!


and he got gang bashed about 2 weeks ago then had a woman u-turn in front of him wrecking the bike last week without any insurance.

Apparently, according to his missus, he's hung like the proverbial horse, so he's taken all this bad luck in his stride!

Geeez you are quick Spider!! Already talking to the Missus??  ;D [cheeky]
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


Quote from: dragonworld on September 24, 2008, 05:27:06 PM
Geeez you are quick Spider!! Already talking to the Missus??  ;D [cheeky]

yeah, she didn't think I was much chop!

apparently SKOM's nickname at high school was donkey - and not cause he's stubborn either!

also SKOM, call into the franchise Italian cafe called....ah...um...something...and try the coffee, the gelati and the custard filled Italian donuts (Bombaloni). brilliant. Starts with a B, perhaps....


I hate to be the odd one out here but who you guys talking to, am i missing somthing ??? dosent seen like this skom is going to show  :-[

SKOM.......................Where the F*#K are yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


He is here Dock refer 'What a Country' thread .... he just needs to settle in, get his comms sorted, etc.
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