The Offical Oz Monster Home Coffee Thread

Started by goldFiSh, May 09, 2008, 02:09:56 AM

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I've heard (and tasted) how good the rancilio Silva is, has anyone had experience with the Francis X series from Italy?


I have a Coffee Club Store. I just go to the Barista who is working that day, and say, " can I please have a Latte"

and then one appears in front of me. Of course if my Wife happens to be working that day, I have to make my own........................................ :-X


Quote from: Nosme on May 10, 2008, 03:12:31 PM
I have a Coffee Club Store. ......

Where's your store? maybe brizmonsters unofficial meeting spot?
"The make the beast with two backsin monkey started it..."

From a story by RAT900


Coffee porn!

Trento the maestro barista brews (at St Ali) the best damn coffee in Melbourne called 'the magic' - a double ristretto pour turned into a flat white in a medium size (think long black) ceramic cup. Magic. Name says it all, really.


oh spider, now you've started.. Wait till big sees this thread...