Was buying the Desmosedici a mistake

Started by Dockstrada, September 23, 2008, 03:19:10 AM

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Quote from: mattyvas on September 23, 2008, 04:57:22 AM
Remember you didn't like your last Aprillia.

+1 - you where quite adamant about that when we discussed it...

Besides, the RSV4 is a "cool sounding but as yet unproved WSBK contender".

The 'sedici is a genuine road-going MotoGP bike.

In my book that makes the RSV4 a 1098 competitor, or maybe a Honda SP2 competitor, it's not even _close_ to the same class as the Desmosedici...

big (But I gotta admit, I reckon the 'sedici costs a _staggering_ amount of cash for a motorcycle...)


Ok so seems im out voted on this, plus I saw one yesterday and it did look good , and sounded even better .Everyone is absolutely right about the Aprilia, I do remember my old one was a dog to ride .I was just distracted by the new hype .

It was certainly a big decision to buy it and it is even harder to go through with the deal as it gets closer, with all these new machines coming for 09 its so tempting to walk away from the Desmo.

Thanks all for you convincing comments,they are all valued opinions  [thumbsup]
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


vince, vince, vince!
you should be well sure that playing the "mine is better than yours" game is not only expensive but mostly pointless!!! [bang] a desmosedici is nice, no question, and most here would give a testicle to ride one, let alone own one! but second guessing whether or not you want one cause another bike with big numbers has been released before yours even arrives sounds, umm, flaky! you're the only one who can know if spending 115K on a bike is a mistake, what do you think? [roll]

paul. [thumbsup]

HERE AND NOW                      12 DIAVEL AMG
                                              93 888 RS
                                              09 1098R BAYLISS
                                              07 Husqvarna TE 450

GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN        03 S4R       95 900SL
                                              01 S4         93 900M
                                              96 748SP


Quote from: loony888 on September 25, 2008, 01:59:01 AM
vince, vince, vince!
you should be well sure that playing the "mine is better than yours" game is not only expensive but mostly pointless!!! [bang] a desmosedici is nice, no question, and most here would give a testicle to ride one, let alone own one! but second guessing whether or not you want one cause another bike with big numbers has been released before yours even arrives sounds, umm, flaky! you're the only one who can know if spending 115K on a bike is a mistake, what do you think? [roll]

paul. [thumbsup]

True that loony, not saying its a mistake just saying there is some exciting times coming in the toy world in 09,some times I do think that sort of $ is to much, but then I remember a comment made by my old man went something like this. deprive you heart of its desires and feel the pain for life, Some times you just need some reassuring from some friends that share the passion. [thumbsup]
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


Quote from: Dockstrada on September 25, 2008, 02:07:47 AM
Some times you just need some reassuring from some friends that share the passion. [thumbsup]

Just buy the Ducati!



If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


just to be able too ride one would make you ten feet tall and bullet proof let alone own one , now go find a calendar and start marking the days too go of  [thumbsup]


Hey, some of us wish we had the SKILL to ride one, let alone the chance to ride one, let alone the ability to buy one!

I mean Wraith is excited just to hear one!

Tonight I gave the thumbs up to a couple of guys on the Monash freeway towing a couple of R1's to the track - imagine the response YOU'RE going to get! People will just stand around and wait for you to fire it up.

In the first 10 days I predict that you will:

a) autograph a pair of women's breasts, whilst her husband stands there and smiles
b) have a man come up after you hop off it and ask if he can be your pregnant dog
c) be pulled over by a police officer who just wished to say 'nice bike'

You're in the same situation as my wife Vince, you have been given a very rare opportunity to ride something truly magnificent, so I'll tell you what I told her - just enjoy it  [thumbsup] ..... and then tell all your friends about it!


Quote from: Dockstrada on September 23, 2008, 07:38:39 PMGreat minds  Super [thumbsup] Im not far of  Desmo ,Paul smart ,S4rs ;D

Sorry bit off topic here I see you have a Monster & a Paul Smart.
I sat (not ride) on a Classic the other day it does not seem to feel as though they are a easy thing to ride.
I felt like i was stretched out sitting high & the bars were very low. i sad to my self if you push these things chances are you'd come off well that's how i felt anyway.
when i got back on my little baby i felt as-one with it, now i love it even more.
As my time was a once off you on the otherhand can do this at will.
How do you feel going from one to the other  ???



Quote from: Rickoz on September 26, 2008, 10:53:48 PM
Sorry bit off topic here I see you have a Monster & a Paul Smart.
I sat (not ride) on a Classic the other day it does not seem to feel as though they are a easy thing to ride.
I felt like i was stretched out sitting high & the bars were very low. i sad to my self if you push these things chances are you'd come off well that's how i felt anyway.
when i got back on my little baby i felt as-one with it, now i love it even more.
As my time was a once off you on the otherhand can do this at will.
How do you feel going from one to the other  ???

I here allot of people underestimating the sports classics. They are more than capable on the track and to be honest if I was to choose between the 2 I would keep the smart much more track orientated [thumbsup]
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !

brad black

having been involved with aprilia and in particular the SXV/RXV range of crap for nearly 2 years now, i'd treat any new model they make with great suspiscion.

it might be a great bike, but that's what they told us the SXV/RXV where when we signed up as dealers.  they lied.  the RSV4 just looks like a whole lot more abuse coming my way.  hopefully it won't need pistons every 6,000km.
Brad The Bike Boy



Quote from: Dockstrada on September 26, 2008, 11:49:53 PM
I here allot of people underestimating the sports classics. They are more than capable on the track and to be honest if I was to choose between the 2 I would keep the smart much more track orientated [thumbsup]
Ok so they are a great track bike but most of us live & ride on the streets, Could u live with it as a every day type bike or would you rather the Monster
forgetting the power difference between the two.


Quote from: Rickoz on September 28, 2008, 03:47:30 PM
Ok so they are a great track bike but most of us live & ride on the streets, Could u live with it as a every day type bike or would you rather the Monster
forgetting the power difference between the two.

When it's set up right, like I have set up my Smart I would go for the classic hands down. The fact that the S4rs is a nasty piece of work around town is an easy choice. I have lifted the bars by 30mm which make for a better ride.
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


Quote from: Rickoz on September 28, 2008, 03:47:30 PM
Ok so they are a great track bike but most of us live & ride on the streets, Could u live with it as a every day type bike or would you rather the Monster
forgetting the power difference between the two.

lets not forget the crappy undersize brakes, the strangled intake with the puny airbox, the basic unadjustable (except the smart with the, ahem, ohlins!!) suspension and the rediculously heavy, poorly chromed wheels!!!! oh and the riding position???? jeez, vince are you a chiropractor or do you know one personally?
dollar for dollar, the monster, especially the S4R for 20k is infinitely better value.
just my .02c of course.


HERE AND NOW                      12 DIAVEL AMG
                                              93 888 RS
                                              09 1098R BAYLISS
                                              07 Husqvarna TE 450

GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN        03 S4R       95 900SL
                                              01 S4         93 900M
                                              96 748SP


Quote from: loony888 on September 29, 2008, 01:54:00 AM

lets not forget the crappy undersize brakes, the strangled intake with the puny airbox, the basic unadjustable (except the smart with the, ahem, ohlins!!) suspension and the rediculously heavy, poorly chromed wheels!!!! oh and the riding position???? jeez, vince are you a chiropractor or do you know one personally?
dollar for dollar, the monster, especially the S4R for 20k is infinitely better value.
just my .02c of course.


Hey Paul, guess which one Vince has - you betchya, the Smaart with the oh-oh-ohlins and raised the bars to lessen the chiropratic bills.

It sure is a puuuuurdy bike, esp with the full fairing...