Was buying the Desmosedici a mistake

Started by Dockstrada, September 23, 2008, 03:19:10 AM

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Quote from: goldFiSh on September 29, 2008, 02:08:12 AM
Hey Paul, guess which one Vince has - you betchya, the Smaart with the oh-oh-ohlins and raised the bars to lessen the chiropratic bills.

It sure is a puuuuurdy bike, esp with the full fairing...

And you forgot to mention open air box,DP ecu termi's and the extremely light Alloy rims. and the DBL bubble screen ;D

I think if I were looking for bang for $ I don't think Id be buying Ducati's ,Athoough I think I open some japer rider eyes today at the track, with a full Ducati hosing down the straight. [moto]

All said I bought the Smart from a Pic didn't ride it until after 3 week of owing and love it just the same. For me the position is not as bad as people think. jumping from a sit up and beg to a sports position isn't an easy transitions to say the least.
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


+1 Vince, I saw that hosing you speak of several times, even took part in the odd hosing myself. Different story by turn 2  :-[. Gotta work on my turns....
'08 S4RS Tri, '02 VOR En450, MV Agusta F4 Tracky, Ducati 900 Darmah.


Quote from: Dockstrada on September 29, 2008, 03:09:34 AM
And you forgot to mention open air box,DP ecu termi's and the extremely light Alloy rims. and the DBL bubble screen ;D

I think if I were looking for bang for $ I don't think Id be buying Ducati's ,Athoough I think I open some japer rider eyes today at the track, with a full Ducati hosing down the straight. [moto]

All said I bought the Smart from a Pic didn't ride it until after 3 week of owing and love it just the same. For me the position is not as bad as people think. jumping from a sit up and beg to a sports position isn't an easy transitions to say the least.

ok, but what did all that set you back?
i know, you can buy a jap bike that's faster/cheaper than most dukes, and that's not really the point of owning one, but you can buy a lot of anything for what i'm guessing you shelled out, a 848 or 749S comes to mind, much better equipped, faster handles better etc.etc. [roll] it's all down to personal choice i know, and hey, i can't talk, my 888 owes me more than i'll admit but i just don't get the retro thing, beetles, minis, sport classics, they're all trading on image rather than ability.
You hosed off some jap bikes down the straight!!! what were they? er5's or something? any of the supersport type 600's will flog any 2 valve duke!!! [bang] anyway, the straight doesn't mean anything, it's how fast you go round the turns that really matters. ;D
just my .02c and i'm only expressing my view, not trying to aggravate anyone. [thumbsup]

HERE AND NOW                      12 DIAVEL AMG
                                              93 888 RS
                                              09 1098R BAYLISS
                                              07 Husqvarna TE 450

GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN        03 S4R       95 900SL
                                              01 S4         93 900M
                                              96 748SP


Quote from: loony888 on October 01, 2008, 12:26:33 AM
ok, but what did all that set you back?
i know, you can buy a jap bike that's faster/cheaper than most dukes, and that's not really the point of owning one, but you can buy a lot of anything for what i'm guessing you shelled out, a 848 or 749S comes to mind, much better equipped, faster handles better etc.etc. [roll] it's all down to personal choice i know, and hey, i can't talk, my 888 owes me more than i'll admit but i just don't get the retro thing, beetles, minis, sport classics, they're all trading on image rather than ability.
You hosed off some jap bikes down the straight!!! what were they? er5's or something? any of the supersport type 600's will flog any 2 valve duke!!! [bang] anyway, the straight doesn't mean anything, it's how fast you go round the turns that really matters. ;D
just my .02c and i'm only expressing my view, not trying to aggravate anyone. [thumbsup]

I know we can go on all day about this  ,Al said its about your desires, what will tickle some will make another cry, My opinion,me on my smart and me on a 848 I think it would be neck on neck lap times. BTW I was talking about my S4RS doing the hosing on the straight including the corners and let me tell you their not so slow in the green group .As it was confirmed by a guy to my surprise and delight telling me I was power sliding out of turn 7.
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


Quote from: Dockstrada on October 01, 2008, 01:10:09 AM
As it was confirmed by a guy to my surprise and delight telling me I was power sliding out of turn 7.

:o :o :o You had to be told..... :o



Quote from: Ita on October 01, 2008, 01:15:08 AM
:o :o :o You had to be told..... :o


Yeh it was a suprise to me .but went back out and payed a bit more attention to the back wheel just to make sure and I can now confirm it :o
I think Matty was standing beside me when the guy came up ???
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


yeah I was and the bloke had a big  ;D on his dial when he was recounting it.


Quote from: mattyvas on October 01, 2008, 01:50:12 AM
yeah I was and the bloke had a big  ;D on his dial when he was recounting it.

I wasn't questioning the fact, just supprised you had no idea!!!



today I was stopped at Kew Junction (Melbourne) and had the pleasure of seeing, but more so, hearing, a Desmoseidici.


the noise doesn't enter through your ears but down your spinal cord, it doesn't resonant in your brain, it's much further down, a dark place near your guts where lions roars, avalanches and oncoming trains reside. It's a mixture of fear and rapture.

the beauty of it's movement is such, it reminds me of moments when looking at a woman naked, where you stare and try and burn the images into your memory so you can reply them time and again. The term 'awesome' needs to be reclaimed from teenagers and ninja turtles and used as a proper adjective for this bike.

I've seen pictures, stood next to one and watched the internet videos, but like sharks, mongooses and predatorial birds it's only in movement that it's true purpose becomes apparent.

Vince, you are blessed!  ;D


Quote from: Spider on October 17, 2008, 11:44:00 PM
today I was stopped at Kew Junction (Melbourne) and had the pleasure of seeing, but more so, hearing, a Desmoseidici.


the noise doesn't enter through your ears but down your spinal cord, it doesn't resonant in your brain, it's much further down, a dark place near your guts where lions roars, avalanches and oncoming trains reside. It's a mixture of fear and rapture.

the beauty of it's movement is such, it reminds me of moments when looking at a woman naked, where you stare and try and burn the images into your memory so you can reply them time and again. The term 'awesome' needs to be reclaimed from teenagers and ninja turtles and used as a proper adjective for this bike.

I've seen pictures, stood next to one and watched the internet videos, but like sharks, mongooses and predatorial birds it's only in movement that it's true purpose becomes apparent.

Vince, you are blessed!  ;D

Spider I had to let Ms Strada read this one as she has often asked me what is so special about this bike. Not  able to explain the passion my answer is normally “its just special you need to be a bloke to understand .But you have hit it on the head  and have experessed my exact feeling i had no words for,it’s from with in not a conscious feeling .

its pictures like this i can sit and look at motion less :o :o :o :o :o

If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


And it'll look even better with it's war paint and glass and a few badges of honor after it's first track outing.


spider, we all know about your weakness for the bling,  perhaps you'd like some of the accessories available for the desmo...

I'm sure vince already knows about them  ;D


Quote from: goldFiSh on October 18, 2008, 01:31:57 AM
spider, we all know about your weakness for the bling,  perhaps you'd like some of the accessories available for the desmo...

I'm sure vince already knows about them  ;D

Titanium foot pegs  :o


learning to get the bike to 62 degrees to grind said footpeg: Priceless


Vince you gotta get that front stand  8) to match the rear one that comes with the bike.  8)

And a bargin at $624.30 


+ 1 to both of you

and how could you not get the Ti bolt kit - it's only $1500