Top Gear Australia: what did you think?

Started by Spider, September 29, 2008, 03:35:01 AM

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Quote from: DUCMONROB on October 23, 2008, 03:55:32 AM
What do you expect? :-[ It is filmed in Bankstown! ;D


would port kembla be a better option?  [cheeky]

Super T.I.B

Quote from: goldFiSh on October 23, 2008, 01:45:22 PM
would port kembla be a better option?  [cheeky]

They could fill the set with prostitutes.  [laugh]


That'd cost too much even at PK prices!


Quote from: Spider on October 23, 2008, 01:30:49 PM
yeah, but you LEFT BANKSTOWN, he's saying that because of you and other women LIKE you...that there aren't any good looking girls in Bankstown.


Thank you Spider my point is the demagraphic has changed alot over the years!

Quote from: goldFiSh on October 23, 2008, 01:45:22 PM
would port kembla be a better option?  [cheeky]

Now that would definately add a little colour to the show! [thumbsup]

pitty the hookers down there havn't checked their use by date lately. :o

M1000SDS, ZZR1200, GPZ900R.
900 Monster Special
998 Matrix


My support is waining, totally bored with Charlie driving in circles in the R8.
And Steve with his grouse little BMW.... That's grouse, your grouse, I'm grouse.
I know it's a very Melbourne/Vic slang but could he lay off the "grouse" a little.


Quote from: mattyvas on October 27, 2008, 02:21:16 AM

And Steve with his grouse little BMW.... That's grouse, your grouse, I'm grouse.
I know it's a very Melbourne/Vic slang but could he lay off the "grouse" a little.

no mate, Vic's haven't used it in YEARS! I thought he picked it up from one of your gay bars up there!


Quote from: mattyvas on October 27, 2008, 02:21:16 AM
My support is waining, totally bored with Charlie driving in circles in the R8.
And Steve with his grouse little BMW.... That's grouse, your grouse, I'm grouse.
I know it's a very Melbourne/Vic slang but could he lay off the "grouse" a little.

isn't a grouse some type of game bird like a pheasant ?
......... I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48 and I am what some people call mentally retarded.


Quote from: wraith on October 27, 2008, 02:52:09 AM
isn't a grouse some type of game bird like a pheasant ?


(taste like chicken)  :)

(kidding, tastes like pigeon, had it in name the animal in Canada and I've eaten it, reindeer? what sick bastard eats reindeer......Spider does!)


Have you had Guinnie Fowl in Canada?
My Father-in-law raises them.

Sorry for insulting Vic's then "grouse" should be banned...


Quote from: mattyvas on October 27, 2008, 02:58:17 AM
Have you had Guinnie Fowl in Canada?
My Father-in-law raises them.

Sorry for insulting Vic's then "grouse" should be banned...

big bird actually, I was thinking in was going to be between a spatchcook (tiny, don't bother, only foodie wankers cook them) and a small was quite big (not turkey) but sizable. Elk, antalope, horse & donkey in Italy, moose, all that stuff!


back on topic.....

is it the presenters delivery of humour that needs to be worked on....

or do they need a new scriptwriter?

Super T.I.B

They've lost me, I've had enough.

That is just one big pile of crap.

Ended up watching Border Security.

Charlie & Pizza boy just do not work IMO.


I think it's the fact that there is a script writer.
There seems to be not enough scope for them to inject themselves into the script.
I know from being there, the audience is poked and prodded into clapping and cheering going into and out of breaks.
And at the average jokes.
If they just left them run with things a little.....

Canned laughfter goes here  [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]
Applause goes here  [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap]

TV audience is going here  [bang] [bang] [bang]


I think they need to loose the script writters altogether! let it flow mang, letitflowww......
Let it come a little more natural, not so Victorian try-hard! (jokes on the last one)... maybe they do need to hang in some gay bar?! HA! ;D
Honestly the show has potentail but maybe they need to stop copying the UK so much and allow the presenters to be themselves a little more and the script a little less... - Chris

ps, I should be the stig though...
...Sydmonster - down under
Contact me about your mods and what Street Cred Points you can earn!


syd, I also think you should be the stig,  hhmmm you in white leather
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