I took a couple hours and went through the rest of the gallery on onsightproductions... I may have to eat the $69 and buy the CD. There were over 75 pics of me out of the 1200+ they posted from TOR, including a couple of great pic series where the photog followed me all the way around T9.
Oh, I also e-mailed Ben Arboled, (xqsme.smugmug.com, or e-mail: barboled - AT - gmail.com), and he had 8 good pics he gave me for free when I e-mailed him about TOR photos. I'll definitely be donating to him via Paypal in the next day or so.
Need to get his permission before I can post 'em, but if he says it's cool, I'll put some of those up here.
Dude... you need to get off the bike a bit more... I think you got rid of your chicken strips right there.. any more bike lean would be a bad thing. So.. now... it's all body. Looking hot though!
Yep, after looking at the photo series, I concur with your advice. There was one time I went around T9 with better form (body further to the side). Regardless of room for further improvement, I'm really pleased, considering how upright I was at the first TOR. Made a huge improvement.
Also touched down a toe on T4. Whoops!
No toe sliders on my current boots, so I need to avoid repeating that...
Next objective: get my butt off the bike far enough to get a knee down.
This is one of my goals in life. Much to my mother's chagrin...
Actually, there are a couple pics where it looks like I have the bike further over than this. May be photo angle... but there's at least one where I'm definitely past 45 degrees. Considering those are just regular Pilot Powers (170/60 in the rear), and the better 2CT is rated for a max of 51 or 52 degrees of lean, that seems like pretty good use of the rubber that's on the bike right now.
Believe it or not, even sitting fairly upright I had the tires scrubbed to the edge after my first TOR. This last weekend just did some more scrubbing. You can verify with Sabrina, I believe she saw the rear tire of the SS a couple weeks ago at Tuesday night coffee.
Anyway, since we all love pics, here's some of the better ones I found at onsightproductions: