Monster Sighting, Ellis Beach, Cairns.

Started by Super T.I.B, October 09, 2008, 01:47:52 PM

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Super T.I.B

Was that you CairnsDuc?

Sunday 5th October about 10am at the shop there?

Driving past and saw a red/white S?R with a person just dismounting.

I don't know how you can ride in full leathers up there, farkin hot I tells ya!  :-\


Sadly not me, I have been limited with just cruising around town while waiting for my ECU problems to be sorted out. not game to do a decent cruise with a bike that spits and coughs and is down on power.

I also ride in Draggins with a 10 year old Rjays jacket (thats a little to big and baggy now)
When I have jobs around town I put on the draggins Jeans, a Heavy Polo shirt and gloves.
And a Shoei at all times

Super T.I.B

Fair enough....I didn't know about your probs with the ecu until I got back so I just assumed.

That is a great road from Cairns to Port Douglas, pity it's got so many bloody cars travelling on it!  >:(


Ah yes, but there are ways to get around that young grass hopper!  ;D

Get up at 4:30 on a sunday and leave by 5am, Gillies, Kuranda range or Port Douglas road all clean and clear at that time of day, have some fun on the Port Douglas road, blast up the Rex range and then back down Kuranda range, I'm home and done by 9am and beat the heat and traffic  [thumbsup]

Keep an eye out for  [leo] and his new dark grey camera van on the Port Douglas road on Sundays, they love it on that road and they hide that van in against the trees in the shadows and you can't see the prick until it's to late. make the beast with two backsers!