You had them pulled under locals anesthetics? You're a crazy person. I don't like IVs much either, but it was a welcome alternative to
A: A giant needle going anywhere near my face (while I'm awake anyway) and..
B: Knowing/Feeling what the doc is doing in there
Ok, so maybe I'm a baby when it comes to this stuff
. All good advice though. Salt water, keep your gauze in, take your meds (even if you don't think you need them. Chances are they're helping), take your other meds (cough, wine, cough), and mildly injure anyone who makes chipmonk jokes (it's just like in prison, beat some ass or become someones pregnant dog). Hope you have a good recovery. I had all four of mine done in high school but it's been about 10 years and I have no infection problems whatsoever. Good luck.