How many K's per tank?

Started by CairnsDuc, October 16, 2008, 05:17:39 PM

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I am curious to see what others have found when they have done upgrades to there Duc's

About a week ago I finally had my Termi/DPECU/Air Filter kit finished on my S2R 800 (took 4 -6 weeks to get right, bit of long story, lets just say Ducati Italy make the beast with two backsed up)

The bike already had a DP Cat bypass pipe fitted at the 1000k service

Now with a good highway run I could get 185k's before the fuel light came on, around town (commuting) roughly 175k's before the Kit was fitted.

I have just gotten with a mixture of both highway and commuting this week, 220k's (checked it seconds after the fuel light came on) put 10.9 L in the tank

The dealer said the TPO setting is spot on and the gas mix was spot on (DDS gas analyzer) after the kit was fitted.

Is that normal? bike runs very well, lots of power, normal temps, no coughing or spitting (from the bike or me) I keep reading of people barely able to get 150k's
Not that I'm complaining, the more K's the better!  [thumbsup]

Just wanted to get others experience with there amount of K's from a tank.  [moto]


I recall my S2R800 going further on a tank after fitting termi slip ons/ecu/open air box kit.
Can't remember actual KM's.

On  S2R1000 get between 130km to 190km when fuel light comes on (full exhaust no cat/ecu/open airbox).


on average on 95 fuel i get 180 , when i run 98 fuel i get 220 be for light comes on  [thumbsup]

Big T

S4RT with full open Zards, DP ECU & Open Airbox...

160km before light comes on the open road "riding" the Monster

120km round town......

But it does run like a dream......  [moto]

OOohhh 95 or 98 fuel no difference.....
   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)


Most of the guys complaining about only 150km out of a tank are on the S4RS/T thingies. They say all that extra power uses the fuel ... I think it has more to do with carrying that radiator around all the time, the weight'll cost ya.

Us, with our humble little 800's, should be getting far better economy than that and would think 200km before the light coming on would be the norm, but there is no such thing as 'normal' riding. I don't really get the opportunity to check these things as riding is normally out of town so I fill up when I can. On a ride with the Sydney mob I seem to recall being a fair way short of the 200 mark when the light came on, so I would say it is heavily dependent on the riding 'mood'.

Sometimes I think my consumption has gone up since the new exhaust install (full custom, but no changes to ECU or airbox) but again I think it has more to do with the 'mood'. With a standard exhaust there is no incentive to keep the revs up, so the exhaust has probably made my riding style a little less economical rather than the machine itself.
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Big T

Actually agree with you Betty.... (Except the Radiator bit.....  [cheeky]  [cheeky])

When you have a Monster that sounds good and you have that extra bit of power.... You use it...

I love nothing better than to crank it up leaving the lights or coming out of a corner and listen to the growl and lighten up the front wheel.... So yes my riding style has changed with the addition of "bling".... Hence I do use more Gas...  [moto] .. And I wouldn't have it any other way.... ;D
   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)

Super T.I.B

220 city riding on teh little 620 before the light comes on. Fill up when around 240km.

No diff between city/highway riding. Well, maybe a little diff.  ???


I've got the open box, ecu and termis and run pretty much bang on 5L/100km
The sound of Ducati - A symphony of internal combustion


750.... Open airbox, K&N filter, Staintune mufflers = 230 ish when light comes on when commuting.

1000DS.... Open air box, K&N Filter, Arrows high mounts = 190 ish when light comes on when commuting.

Of course all this is subject to change depending on the mood of the pilot at the time ;) [evil].

Oh yes, the least octane for the 750, wont tolerate the more potent stuff and 95 is fine for the DS, 98 doesnt really make much differnce 'cept in the wallet  ;)
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


CairnsDuc, this sounds consistent with my S2R800 with Termis/ECU/DP Cat Bypass. I'm getting around 210kms before the fuel light comes on running 95RON with mixed riding. Once the fuel light comes on, I put ~10.5-11 litres in to fill it up (normally about 10-20kms after the fuel light comes on).  If I'm doing freeway miles I've squeezed 235kms out of a tank before the fuel light comes on.


Quote from: Betty on October 16, 2008, 05:48:26 PM
Most of the guys complaining about only 150km out of a tank are on the S4RS/T thingies.

Yeah, I'm one of those whingers. I was getting 100km before the fuel light came on (about 10 liters) when commuting, but I had the 12,000km service done recently and they did some tuning and I'm getting about 115km on the commute now. Yet to try the open road.


Quote from: Big T on October 16, 2008, 06:01:29 PM

(Except the Radiator bit.....  [cheeky]  [cheeky])

But its not just the weight, the thing is a sail ... I mean, its meant to catch the breeze right  ;) :P

Now you are making me think about it ... so is the more powerful engine only to overcome the radiator?  :-\

(plus a bit more for the fun of it)

Quote from: DosVerde on October 16, 2008, 07:08:21 PM
Yeah, I'm one of those whingers. I was getting 100km before the fuel light came on (about 10 liters) when commuting, but I had the 12,000km service done recently and they did some tuning and I'm getting about 115km on the commute now. Yet to try the open road.

A 15% improvement in economy, you've gotta be happy with that (if you needed to find a bright side)
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Big T

Quote from: Betty on October 16, 2008, 07:13:46 PM
But its not just the weight, the thing is a sail ... I mean, its meant to catch the breeze right  ;) :P
Now you are making me think about it ... so is the more powerful engine only to overcome the radiator?  :-\

It is an aerodynamically designed wing like the Alan Bonds Australia II. It makes up for the bad riding posture (not that I have one.... [laugh]), it actually provided better fuel consumption as it lifts the bike off the road thus less friction, it protects my delicate legs from all those nasty bugs, it keeps me warm in the winter, it picks up chicks and makes me a Chai Latte on demand....  [cheeky]   [clap]

I bet you wish you had one now.....  [roll]
   .... This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seat-belts as we prepare for take off.... (I'm the passenger now....)


Thanks everyone, I figured there would be a difference, just didn't think it would be that much.

No complaints, the only reason I asked was the dealer said he could set it to get 200k's from a tank, but that wouldn't be any fun, so you can imagine my surprise when I get 220, and I'm not exactly gentle with the throttle.

It's all good  [thumbsup]


2 sessions per tank at the track,thats about 78km  ;D
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !