Why I like the police!

Started by Spider, October 30, 2008, 03:09:13 AM

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*firstly, if you're going to reply with something negative about the force, don't.....quite simply this is an appreciation thread!*

A lot of motorcyclist have got a real chip on their shoulder when it comes to the boys in blue, and sure like in every job, religion, race, disability or any other grouping, you will find wankers.

But The Police, overall, are fantastic!

I was riding my bike about 500m from my place (she is still cold and grumbly) when I was basically ridden off the road by some maniac in a Commodore SS with flashing lights. It was the police who told me it was a Traffic Management Unit, it was another officer that told me they could drive however they wanted when I asked about tracking them down.

Couple weeks after I had the incident, I get a Vicroads speeding fine - turns out I revved her up to 74 kph in a 60 zone when I saw a bloke come at my ass at about 90 kph. Speeding fine was signed by a police officer.

I wrote in, explained the circumstances and told them that no way did I get that fine from a Police Officer - anyone with half a brain would have easily seen what was going on and let it go.

The photo, speed and letter were all produced by a computer....it took a decent human being to sort the mess out (8 years on the road and not a single infringement might help!)...and that person was a police officer!

So thank you to a;; in the force, you keep the idiots in check, people drive safely and pay attention whenever you're around and you've got a decent head on your shoulders that can understand complex situations that we often find ourselves in.

and for those that hate....only one question.....who do you go to when some idiot steals your bike or your stereo? Bet you head down to the station faster than you can put 'f#ck the police' on the cd player!


I think that mostly Cops Are Tops  (srsly). Just like firies and nurses, doing a sometime crap job for not as much money as they probably deserve.

But I make the beast with two backsing hate revenue raising scum cameras with a passion. TBH I reckon cops might hate em as well. At least a highway copper can make a judgment call, unlike the pole mounted Polaroids.


As a general rule, I support the police, it's a tough job, and they cop a lot of shit for just doing there job. I could only imagine some of the things these people see on a day to day basis.

It's the boys and girls of traffic branch that need a good swift kick in the ass! (I'm speaking about the traffic branch dildo's up here in my area) they all seem to be on a power trip with a serious god complex.


I agree that they are only human with all the associated foibles of the human BUT!! some get a bit full of their own self importance and power. [roll]

Even the mates that are serving members roll their eyes at the antics of some of their members. The Traffic Managemant Group coppers arnt very well liked even within the Force, the old "Book their own grandmothers" phrase gets a workout and, they seem to be percieved as a political arm for the Goverment. ???
As a long serving Seargent told me "they get a phat chasing people" and Hilary was despairing at the direction the Vic Police Farce was heading!!  :o
And this was around 15 years ago. (He predicted loss of manpower and the diminishing of entry standards and being more political even that long ago!!) [roll]

I CAN and DO understand the shit that they have to put up with, but dont piss down my back and tell me its raining when the crap regarding road safety  gets spouted by the Safety Nazis and they are sanctimoniously
lecturing me on how I should be riding my bike when :

1. The riding strategies that I use have kept me safe and relatively unscathed over 40 years!! (When the authorities dont, and have never given a shit!!  >:()
2. The person giving the lecture has never ridden, and doesnt like bikes.(Unqualified and biased?? You Betcha!!)
3. The stats that are used are oft quoted and are selective to support their strategies. (Lies, damned lies and statistics!!)

I have good friends who are cops and they are great people, but the unfortunate thing is that they pull away from everyone who aint "In the Job" and therefore the public dont get to know them over a beer and a barbie.
Maybe if that happened a bit more there would be less of an "Us and Them" mentality on both sides?? ;)

Unfortunately even the cops within their different sections have respect issues, like that which seems to appear between the average Uniform at the local station and the Traffic Cop.

Maybe if the Public felt they were being treated with respect and not being used as cash cows (Vic motorcycle levy springs to mind??) the relationship would be better.  [thumbsup]
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


So they managed to sort that out for you Spider, good news. The thing is they know most Aussies probably could'nt be assed chasing it up and accepting the fine. You are an aussie arn't you?????


1990 Portland Road Safey Week "Curtious driver award for Friday" recipient.


Quote from: DosVerde on October 30, 2008, 07:42:36 PM

1990 Portland Road Safey Week "Curtious driver award for Friday" recipient.

yeah, I detected the courtesy as you passed a foot from my handlebar while doing a roll on wheelie at around 140kph....I thought "there goes Brendan, how frickin curtious!"

* all happened on a private road in another country, definitely not Australia, in fact I think it just happened in my mind, you honour.


Dragon, that was the most piss-poor attempt at being positive about the police force I have ever read!  [laugh]

I'm not putting you down as a character reference! ('yes, absolutely Spider's a good man, despite his liking for cannibalism and unconstrained sexual lust for small furry animals')


Quote from: Spider on October 31, 2008, 12:28:29 AM
I'm not putting you down as a character reference! ('yes, absolutely Spider's a good man, despite his liking for cannibalism and unconstrained sexual lust for small furry animals')
[laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [clap] [clap]

Spider, you can write my references [thumbsup]


Quote from: Spider on October 31, 2008, 12:28:29 AM
Dragon, that was the most piss-poor attempt at being positive about the police force I have ever read!  [laugh]

I'm not putting you down as a character reference! ('yes, absolutely Spider's a good man, despite his liking for cannibalism and unconstrained sexual lust for small furry animals')

Heh!! Wasnt that a gerbil I saw run into your bedroom that day I picked up me oil cooler thingy???  ;D  [roll]
And I reckon you have err, ummm "eaten" a umm human before, have you not??? [cheeky]
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


no mate, that gerbil and I are just good friends, she rents the spare room, purely platonic......but you should see her cousin! Whoa, hubba hubba!
