Stolen in Melbourne: Ducati Monster Black 1000s - heaps of carbon

Started by Spider, November 01, 2008, 12:55:07 AM

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Quote from: madalf71 on November 03, 2008, 05:08:11 AM
Hi All.

Yes same deal with Shannons, good for riding to pose at the cafe and back.
Spider, what about if you have a quick track system installed, will they insure then.



Hey Alf, what are these systems generally worth??  ???
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


Quote from: dragonworld on November 03, 2008, 01:01:19 PM
Hey Alf, what are these systems generally worth??  ???

can't be more than a good set of Termi's!

and if it means I can continue to ride and live in Malvern......could be an option, thanks Alf  [thumbsup]


Insurance companies assess risk by postcode.

I once had a car stolen from outside my house. It was parked on the street as I had no garage or OSP. When I moved, I got a place with a lock up garage and an alarm but my premium went up simply because of the postcode. Nothing to do with my personal circumstances.

I really hope you get your bike back spider, even if its just to harvest some of the carbon bits so you don't have to buy them again at the current exchange rate.
Quote from: ducmeister on May 24, 2012, 01:45:16 AM
Hey Techno you are a smart man.  [thumbsup]

Had an accident in Tasmania? -


Hi All.
Seems Quick Trak has gone belly up, or disappeared, but there are other systems.
I'm going to call Shannons tomorrow to see if they know.


Bloody hell Spider, why'd you go and get your bike stolen? How selfish, you knew we were riding the Great Ocean Road this weekend, now what am I going to do?



Quote from: Spider on November 03, 2008, 12:20:20 AM
Snippity snip...

Casey moved to the Uk to race, so I can move to Fitzroy North to continue to ride!!!!

(or I can move in with Dos, right.......mate????  [beer])

Thats why I live in Coburg, theives don't steel from their own backyard  :P

Now seriously, I feel for you mate, there is nothing worse (OK maybe a couple of things) then seeing a blank space where your pride a joy was last parked. Hope they get the bastards.


Brendan, there is only one true reason why it's good to be hung like a horse....doesn't matter what happens to you, you can always look down and smile!  :D

apologies for wrecking your next weekend, I'll bring flowers to your missus for having to put up with you!


make the beast with two backsin' 'ell Spidey that's shocking news....

My last bike (a highly modified Kaw) was nicked from my old block of units.   Same story as yours...  Security entry only with a key or remote!!!

Owed me nearly $30K with the mods (Ohlins, Dymags etc...)   Insurance paid me stock value...  $8.5K :'( :'(

No bits of it have ever turned up...  But I'm still lookin' for her and the Brian Ws that stole her....

Hope yours turns up un damaged....



Howdy All.

Free home for bike theives...under my soon to be new garage slab!
100mm 24mpa reinforced Concrete...views are a bit crap, but hey no house keeping to worry about!

No new on tracking systems, Shannons, knew jack.
More to follow up.



Some good suggestions above Spider about getting the word out.

We mentioned it to the guys at North Coast V-Twins in Coffs Harbour during the week and they suggested sending through the details (there is contact details on their website). Seemed to be genuinely helpful peoples up there.

EDIT: Could be the type of market scumbags might look to. It seems (sadly) that they knew exactly what they were after ... which would indicate that they would try and move it on elsewhere.

I also learnt the term knee (or more appropriately ankle) which decriptively names these scumbags as a couple of feet lower than a c**t. So to the 'Ankles' that stole Spider's baby ... I hope you get what is coming to you.
Believe post content at your own risk.


hey spider,
any updates on the bike or no luck ?
and hows insurance treating you ?
......... I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48 and I am what some people call mentally retarded.


I just found this thread... damn sorry to hear the news, Spider. I'll keep an eye on the local papers up here - Bendigo has a pretty big population & is close to Melbourne.  :-\


no news....I'll lodge paperwork on Tuesday with QBE, the investigator finished last a detective he discovered that I'm a stand-up fellow, all round great bloke who he'd set up with his sister and go drinking with and that I didn't set up to lose my pride and joy!


Spider, I've been away and only just saw this thread, its absolutely shit news mate. You've only had her for a short while too.
I'm only guessing but if it hasn't turned up after 2 weeks it not likely too.

How long until QBE pay you out?

Have you started looking for a new ride?