Drilling/tapping eccentric bolts

Started by TAftonomos, November 03, 2008, 08:48:59 PM

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Ok, so I'm 90% normally about function over look.  Except in this case :)

I'm going to make a "floating" license plate, that basically sits over top of the rear tire. 

Has anyone ever tapped the center of the eccentric bolts on the swingarm?   It's the easiest/perfect place to attach my tag bracket to, just wondering if anyone has done something like this before.  Not sure how bad a tightened bolt inside one of those eccentrics would affect it?  Any engineers out there?  Or better yet, someone who has already done this and it's worked out ok?


Rear mounted license like you are describing -- did one a few years ago.  Unfortunately it looked like a "rear bumper" of sorts and I ixnay'd fairly quickly. Plate looked strange in such a low European position. I integrated turn signals into the license plate frame and rear light on top w/plate light -- small strip LED lighting in fact for all -- didn't integrate well with my bike even though it was as minimal a design as possible.  (I went back to the vertical plate and my custom made taillight assembly as originally built -- never stopped in 4+ years nor problems with customers that are similiar -- not even in Florida)

There is CNC'd 6061 bracket out there via someone that does something similiar for hanging behind the tire. I haven't seen the good one sold for awhile -- there is a big clunky chunk advertised somewhere on occasion but it is fugly hideous looking.

I just used the two rear SBK swingarm eccentric pinch bolts to fasten.  Didn't have a problem.  Just torque properly and use couple drops of loctite.


Thanks man!

With the new laws in FL, and the likely hood of me going there at least twice a year, I don't even want to tempt mr po-po with the possibility of giving me a 1000 ticket.

I know 99.9% of the choppers have illegal tags, but the law wasn't written to run them off.  I can just see me getting popped for doing 50 in a 45, and here comes a 1K ticket for improper tag location.

Any pictures of your previous setup?  or some of the side mount tags for reference?


Drilling and tapping the ID of the eccentric bolt is probably not a good idea.  A screw big enough to hold anything will weaken it beyond design limits.  Instead land a stud with extra length and run a nut over it.  Use the extra stud length and another nut to secure a bracket.


I'm confused as to which eccentric bolt you are referring to

Capo de tuti capi


Quote from: Capo on November 05, 2008, 07:12:02 AM
I'm confused as to which eccentric bolt you are referring to

As I understand it, he means the two clamping bolts for the swingarm eccentric.
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Reseda, CA

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~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~


Yes to above, and thanks for the stud idea :)  [thumbsup]


Quote from: Capo on November 05, 2008, 07:12:02 AM
I'm confused as to which eccentric bolt you are referring to

Its the SS swing arm eccentric on S4 series.

Nice work on previous tech stuff Capo [thumbsup]


Drilling and tapping those is something I would entertain trying on my own bike. The torque spec is really low on the bikes with aluminum swingarms, but on the mh900e with its steel swingarm, the spec is 45 ft-lb. There's plenty of reserve strength there.

Alternatively, you can get longer bolts and use spacers between the bolt and the swingarm itself... which is the more likely tack I would take on this. Swingarm - spacer - flat bar - head of longer bolt.

:) Chris
Krista Kelley ... autist formerly known as chris
official nerd for ca-cycleworks.com


Capo de tuti capi