so are post count, stars, and title (ie. new member, jr member, etc.) proportionate to each other?
if im correct does all that redundancy have any purpose?
is rethinking this like herm posted an option? or is it ingrained in the program this board runs on?
maybe do away with stars/ whatever......and post counts.
give members some other form of recognition when they contribute in some way (TBD) to the board. admin and mods would deterimine worthiness of posts.
maybe little red ducati dots instead of stars
example: Scott R has already started a thread which is encompassing the history of TOB. IMO this is a valuable asset to this community. This kind of thing would earn him a little ducati circle under his member name.
once a certain number of circles are earned, they get bigger (i.e. - 5 small circles = 1 larger circle, etc....
this would be a better way to determine the value of a members contribution than sheer number of posts
I like dots, especially red ones....