This is not bike related, but something I've wanted to get off my chest for a while and not directed at anyone or anything in paticular.
So bear with me
I work in retail, I have done that on and off for 16 years (Damn, makes me feel old for a sec)
It amazes me how rude, stupid and inconsiderate people can be.
I watch people walk up to a store that is clearly closed, they try to walk in the door, door won't open, Store is closed, they pull back, look at opening time on the door and look at there watch and see they are 15 mins early, walk up to door and try to force door open. get pissed when door won't open, or worse if the door does open they stride in like they have conquered the world.
They procede tio get pissy when I tell them we are closed and to wait until opening, then the whole argument starts about why was the door unlocked? I advise door is open for staff to access as warehouse entry is to dangerous due to deliverys.
Dickhead storms off.
Same as above, but door does not open (an hour before trade), Cust decides to wander around to warehouse, sneaks in when storeman is distracted and decides to wander around a half dark store, when asked to leave, chucks a tantrum because "I just want to have a look around" advised that he is in a very dangerous situation, due to the warehouse guys (running around on the forklift) don't know he's there, the store is only on half lighting, and it's a security risk to us.
He gets pissy and chucks a tantrum, Dickhead storms off.
People who hang around outside stores half an hour to an hour before they open, I can understand when the big clearance sales are on, but just on a normal day, I mean come on people get a make the beast with two backsing life, get a coffee or something, staring at me through the window with angry eyes will not make me open the door any sooner. Just make the beast with two backs off!
People who abuse staff when it's busy and they can't get help (I don't mean staff who are just plain lazy, they deserve a kick up the Ass!!) when we have 30 customers and only 4 staff to help out, don't blame the staff, They can't fix it, blame the managers, give the managers a revving if you can't get help.
It's busy, that's life, get over yourself, we are doing our best, and with Managers cutting staff hours and and staff numbers to pay for there new Mercedes when times are tough.
Again, rev a manager, don't rev me, If you get up me, I'll give it back as good as I get!
The most stupid question I hear in Retail, is this all you have? No, I keep more out the back as a challange for you to find it! Of course that's it! I can understand some small retailers keep Items out the back for space or security issues, but the big guys keep it all on display.
I have a display with about 40 different selections of the same product, all that is available on the Australian market at present, and it amazes me how many people say "Is that it?"
We even put a sign up saying that this was all that was available to the Australian Martket!! and still people say "you need a bigger range" WTF!!
I know a lot retailers are crap and the service is bad, but I just wanted to get on my soapbox and have a rant for a second. I could have gone on for pages and pages, maybe I'm just getting old and grumpy
Thankyou for yourtime, I'm going to take my medication now and have a lie down
Rant over, Jumps off soapbox, shuts the hell up.