VIC chapter - 10,000 km service! where should I take it ?

Started by wraith, November 08, 2008, 11:26:01 PM

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hey guys, the bike is in need of its 10,000 km service few questions:
1) Is it major ?
2) what's going to be the damage ?
3) who do I take it to ?

I'm pretty much being lazy and cant be bothered scanning thru threads, and I do recall consensus was that brad was the man to go to, but what are the options now ?

all opinion's will be taken on board (unless someone mentions ultratune)

ta Marco
......... I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48 and I am what some people call mentally retarded.


Hi Marco

Spoilt for choice - not . [laugh]

10K not too painful - wait till the 20K (belts).

Speak to Madalf - he's been doing research.  And ask Dos about how not to pay too much!!



Hi Wraith.

Pm sent. It's a confusing world out there at the moment.
Anyone else chip in with references?



yeah not sure, was pretty happy i found Brad, but then they shut. Heard that there were guys out greensborough that were ok, not sure of their name. And Bob Brown has being doing Ducati's for years but haven't heard any reports back from people who had gone to them. Let me know how you go cause unless Brad ends up somewhere, im pretty lost as well.
I reckon it should be round $400 for a straight service, but at 10 000 you will have to do the timing belt aswell so that will be more.


Quote from: heatherp on November 09, 2008, 12:06:16 AM
And ask Dos about how not to pay too much!!

I think that was more a case of the service dept not having done many (any) "50% less servicing costs" 12000 km service on an S4R and getting the quote wrong.

Having said that, Ducati City were fine, nothing to complain about, they even ordered new o-rings and gaskit to fix a oil weep they found - i can't even see it. (the parts havn't arrived yet though.....)

brad black

what model is it?

from what i could make out the UP TO 50% less maintainance cost thing was mainly if you didn't use it.  everythnig else seemed pretty much the same, schedule wise.  i think it was sort of along the lines of the bmw distinct km and annual service things, whereas ducati used to specifiy it all at "1 year or 10,000km" sort of thing.

just another example of how you really need to clarify what the quote is for - ask what's being done, because we used to have a lot of people confusing service schedules and terminology.  the bmw km and annual ones were understood by very few.
Brad The Bike Boy


Quote from: brad black on November 09, 2008, 02:47:11 PM
from what i could make out the UP TO 50% less maintainance cost thing was mainly if you didn't use it.


Cynical-Big suspects the marketing people used the "by the time you've ridden 20,000km, the old ones had required _two_ services, but the new ones only require _ONE!_ That's 50% less cost!" line of "reasoning".


brad black

not really.  they actually did like bmw from memory - broke the services up into time and km.  i don't recall what it was in - they released a huge pdf style file of service requirements for '06 or '07 that was broken down to each model.  might have been a service bulletin sort of thing.
Brad The Bike Boy


Naa, it was simpler than that, I said how much for a 12000km service on my 2007 S4R and they got it wrong.

I suspect the 50% less servicing costs is a combination of the extended distance between servicing and less/cheaper consumables.


Quote from: newrider on November 09, 2008, 01:19:50 PM
yeah not sure, was pretty happy i found Brad, but then they shut. Heard that there were guys out greensborough that were ok, not sure of their name.

Eurobrit are the guys in Greensborough.  I've only had one service done there so I can't give you a complete critique but I didn't have any real dramas. 
'02 M900ie, DP CF mufflers, DP mirrors, CF side covers, beer tray, belt covers, and sprocket cover, K&N filter, clear indicators, Speedymoto 5 spoke clutch cover, etc, etc, ad nauseum.


Quote from: wraith on November 08, 2008, 11:26:01 PM
3) who do I take it to ?

all opinion's will be taken on board (unless someone mentions ultratune)

ta Marco


Other options include: Saki at Zagame in Richmond and shortly; Dan Stone (ex Moto One) at Metro Ducati in Ringwood.
Friends have also mentioned a Rob Shepherd in the Geelong area.

There is no charge for awesomeness... or attractiveness.


......... I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48 and I am what some people call mentally retarded.


Apart from my initial service at Moto-1 (done for free as part of my purchase) I had all my service and warranty issues done at Melbourne Ducati...   This was purely because they are close to home (Richmond - Hawthorn)

If I was to be critical it would only to be over the time they had the bike to do minor jobs...   Having said that, I would always tell Angelo that the was no rush to get the job done....   Otherwise great work at a reasonable cost....   Oh yeah...  They also fitted and supplied my Corse kit $1200 cheaper than the boss guy (John??) at Moto-1 quoted....

If Moto-1 was near by I would of stuck with them...  Brad a legend here in Melbounre with Ducs.   And Hester...  well just Gorgeous...

The new NFI joint in town...  Rude pricks I reckon (tried 'em twice) and the place in Ringwood I haven't been to since Vince Geova owned it, and had a very bad experience with a weirdo sales dude and promised never to set foot in there again....

I've heard good stuff about Bob Brown, but mainly relating to bevels...



Hi Ita.

Ringwood has new owners and staff, you'll be pleasently surprised.



brad black

Quote from: Ita on November 12, 2008, 02:45:11 AM
And Hester...  well just Gorgeous...

she could really throw a ding dong wobbly too.  we all used to just stand back and wait for her to settle down.  she works for the kenworth importer now (i think it's kenworth).
Brad The Bike Boy