Motard handguards on 696?

Started by MyPetmonster, November 10, 2008, 09:40:06 AM

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"possible" isnt the question to ask....
feasible and economical.....
not really....

look at the brake system on the handlebars....
on the 696 youll notice 2 big rectangular boxes
those are the fluid reservoirs that contain the brake and clutch fluid....
notice on the hyper the completely different system with radial valves and smaller, remote reservoirs....???
i wonder if they will clear the upper inner edges of the handguards....
seems to me , if you want those handguards, youll have to setup those brakes as well....
not that thats a bad thing....;) [evil]
just a little more $$$$$$ just for a little wind protection....:P
then again, with no personal experience with those guards,
i could be completely off base............................................
"...the greatest artists indulge in a 'culpable rivalry' with God."     Stanislas Fumet


96 M944
98 900SS FE
01 996R
02 MV Agusta F4 750
05 999R
06 SC1000
07 1098
08 M696


'09 Monster 696


dammit, stop that.
how much of my money do you want, anyway....?:P
very cool.
"...the greatest artists indulge in a 'culpable rivalry' with God."     Stanislas Fumet