Hey, hey, Mouse! Looking forward to meeting you in person.
I've got mid-week off. every1 forgets abot the beautiful city of oakland... which is both good and bad. if it evar starts raining dirt riding is always fun in the mud, i believe there are dirt rentals somewhere in the area too.
since u've never been to borCal - be sure to wear flowers... oops, that's a song. no, wear layers! weather can be dramatically different from city to city
i will have to check that out to! my sister is working up til new years so i will have her car to piddle around in...
But Desmoquattro knows someone who works at Kink and could get you in to a live broadcast of "Ultimate Surrender."
Anyone down to have some lunch monday or tuesday?!?!
and the most important! when do u y'all want to get together for some drinking shennigans