I suck at Photoshop.

Started by Super T.I.B, November 13, 2008, 01:49:18 PM

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Super T.I.B

Got a legitimate ( [evil] ) copy of Photoshop CS4? yesterday and was wondering if anyone here has used or uses photoshop and can give me some tips or point me to a resource on teh interwebs.

Thanx in advance.  [thumbsup]


It's all usually trial and error but Adobe have lots of online tutorials you can use.


If you got that thru Bill Tornet , try asking him for CD/DVD training/tutorials from Lynda. Those would probably give you a good rundown.


have to get the lynda tutorials they saved my  [bacon] on many occasions for PS3
love to know what you think of the 4 looking to upgrade but still have'nt used 3 to it's potential

Super T.I.B

Sorry, my bad. It's only CS2.

But it still confuses me.  ???


Quote from: seeker on November 13, 2008, 03:12:15 PM
Have you tried this Youtube collection of photoshop tutorials?  They are funny too (sometimes)...

+1 damn funny, but super informative too.

Also, try googling things you're interested in - and use the magic word 'tutorial'. e.g. photoshop portrait tutorial.