Do you know this man.

Started by mattyvas, November 14, 2008, 09:31:08 PM

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uncle chop chop chopped his mo and shaved 10 years off!  :o :o


Yeh thats Mick's love child i was speaking to him today,Boy he looks like his old man, sounds a shit load like him to [cheeky]
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


Hmmm, dunno but he looks young.

The question is does he understand Movember (the month formerly known as November, etc, etc.). Maybe it is a reverse thing.

Shit I was too slow.
Believe post content at your own risk.


OMG what have they done with Uncle Chop Chop. WOW how young he looks. MMMMMM hi Uncle Chop Chop  ;)
Before Honda CB125N
          Suzuki GS125
Now.   Ducati 620ie
          Lambretta Li150
          Ducati S4RT


Thats the oral B dentist isn't it??!

Lookin good mick! _ Chris
...Sydmonster - down under
Contact me about your mods and what Street Cred Points you can earn!


Hello kiddies (little hand wave) how the make the beast with two backs are ya?

Quote from: Betty on November 14, 2008, 09:50:36 PM
Hmmm, dunno but he looks young.

The question is does he understand Movember (the month formerly known as November, etc, etc.). Maybe it is a reverse thing.

Shit I was too slow.

Definately, anti establishment and all that.

Now make the beast with two backs off (little hand wave again)

This won't hurt much.... Trust me......