One man's use of a Ducati motorcycle

Started by FatguyRacer, May 11, 2008, 08:03:38 AM

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I tought I would share my tales of adventure. I blog about my cycling and training, but will be including race reports from the moto too. So far i've done two events on my bike and they've been almost, if not more interesting than racing the bicycle. At least they've been more epic.
John Krawczyk
2002 Ducati ST4s (FIM chip, Arrow Carbys, Sargent seat, DP comfort fairing, Ducati Designs headlight, Toby steering dampener)
My Blog - The Chronicles of Fatguy Racer


Good for you.
How can I get a job like this?


That is awsome that you get paid to ride you bike!  Im sure that is a dream that many of us have.

Last month I had to make a lot of site visits for work and racked up 600 miles on the bike in two weeks.  Because I got reimbursed for milage, I got $300 for taking my bike to jobsites!!!  It almost felt like I was stealing money because I got to ride my bike. 


I feel almost feel a little guilty taking the money too. Almost.  [laugh]

In addition to the moto ref pay, I get 28 cents a mile too, including travel to and from the event. I hoping next year to take part in the Tour Of Georgia as a official event moto. I've dropped the bug in the local National Commissars ear yesterday at the local race we were both working. He'll get me in.
John Krawczyk
2002 Ducati ST4s (FIM chip, Arrow Carbys, Sargent seat, DP comfort fairing, Ducati Designs headlight, Toby steering dampener)
My Blog - The Chronicles of Fatguy Racer


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John Krawczyk
2002 Ducati ST4s (FIM chip, Arrow Carbys, Sargent seat, DP comfort fairing, Ducati Designs headlight, Toby steering dampener)
My Blog - The Chronicles of Fatguy Racer


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John Krawczyk
2002 Ducati ST4s (FIM chip, Arrow Carbys, Sargent seat, DP comfort fairing, Ducati Designs headlight, Toby steering dampener)
My Blog - The Chronicles of Fatguy Racer


Thank you Fatguyracer taht was awesome!!

My two passions - Road bikes and motorcycles!!  And you have a way of putting them together ... AND get paid!! ;D

I am a cat 4 racer too - but people always tell me to train harder and move up since I am only 125lbs and 5'6 but I have something that keeps me from doing this called a job  :-[

Thanks again


How cool -- Poolesville RR was my absolute favorite back when I lived in DC -- 'course, that might have something to do with the fact that i pretty much stank the place up as road racer, but could duke it out at the front of cyclocross races.  ;D

A pretty cool one for your first ride as a zebra, too!  Good thing you had nice weather, though; at least two of the four or five times I raced that one it was in a torrential downpour. The dirt section took on a whole new meaning when all the potholes filled with muddy water & you couldn't tell if they were a quarter inch or six inches deep.  Ask Jim P. about the year he cancelled the race because the rain was too heavy -- not to protect the racers, but for the safety of the moto officials. :o  If you want to officiate at another fun one, make sure Jim puts you on the roster for my old team's road race, the Giro di Coppi!

For those who are interested in finding out more about moto riding as an official in cycling races, click through to: Looks like you can find local contacts for race referee training there. While experience as a racer would be useful -- As FatGuy Racer notes, it sure helps to make sense of what's happening in the race in front of or behind you -- I'd say only about half of the moto officials I knew had ever raced, so it's not a big barrier.
By hammer and hand all arts do stand.
2000 Cagiva Gran Canyon


Thanks fellas. It is a blast. I wasnt kidding about kneedragging during during the 123 race at Ft. Ritchie. Im gonna hafta start wearing leathers with knee sliders on the short fast crit courses.

I've got the Giro Di Coppi as one of my A races. i'm hoping to race it instead of working it. But the allure of pay may have me changing my mind about it. I can get my racing fix at greenbelt all summer and moto on the weekends.

I put the bug in Jims ear about getting in at the Tour Of Georgia next year.
John Krawczyk
2002 Ducati ST4s (FIM chip, Arrow Carbys, Sargent seat, DP comfort fairing, Ducati Designs headlight, Toby steering dampener)
My Blog - The Chronicles of Fatguy Racer