Great news, Ortho's cannot give you any reasons NOT to ride-thats also a relief and confidence builder to get back out there again.
It IS hard tho, to always "know what is ahead"--if we rode within those limits at ALL times, we would never enjoy the sweetness of taking a corner at perfect line, nice lean and speed. Case-in-point happened just Thanksgiving Day for us, TWICE!!
Knowing better than to do an actual ride on that crazy-cagers day, we did decide to take a QUICK 20-min run on BACK country roads. About 3 miles from house and on last and BEST curve before intersection, Tim in front OF COURSE, on Triple, I got to watch in HORROR as he came out of beautiful corner and a cager cut RIGHT IN FRONT and across his lane and then STOPPED DEAD in his/our lane!!! Obviously, Tim had to hit front brake HARD, and rear of course and I also got to see him pull out of normally unforgiving fish-tail and kept bike under control UNREAL!! That was not it for this short ride however, believe it or not.
On way back, I CLEARLY saw a van pulling out of a store on the left, which I was getting ready to turn left into-HAD my blinker on (stock/visible), HAD my bright white jacket and helmet on and I saw him STOP FULLY at stop I let off brakes, gave some throttle and lean to make turn in....BUT I DID NOT SEE HIS FACE!!! BIG MISTAKE, I normally try to get SOME kinda of eye contact or something more solid like that so I am more sure they see me... JUST as I started the throttle and turn, fugger pulls out IN FRONT OF ME by literally only 3 feet! Had to stand bike upright and hit brakes HARD to keep from running into HIM! JACKASS! Glad I had modular and could flip lid to, well, REALLY FLIP MY LID on him LOL That was TWO close calls in 20 mins!
Before this turns into greater novel and I lose majority here, that was NOT the end of the insanity for the day, the last included 6 cars pulled to side of road while PAINT HORSE ran loose back and forth across the street on other side of a blind hill just 1/2 mile from home. GEESH eh?
Lastly, as you mention Ortho's giving you no reasons NOT to ride....I am opposite here. Orthos and Neuro's have given me LISTS of reasons they prefer I NOT ride: bikes, my horses of 40+ years or even a LAWN MOWER for that matter-but after years of depression and weight gain, I decided to LIVE MY LIFE TO FULLEST and enjoy all I AM ABLE while I am able, for as long as I am able.
The BEST we can do is BELIEVE we ARE invisible to ALL and that EVERY cager is deaf, blind and STUPID!!
Hope everyone enjoys every moment on their bikes out there and STAY SAFE!!