Hi Everybody!!

Started by ZLTFUL, November 26, 2008, 08:43:14 AM

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Just wanted to get a head count of active Iowa members. Gonna see if we can get a monthly hook up started.

1. Ryan...aka ZLTFUL
2. Chad...aka Mitt
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2012 Panigale 1199
2003 KTM 640 Adventure


Frequent reader, infrequent poster.

But, wife and I are moving to Kansas the end of this December since I'll finally be done with ISU.  Never met you guys but saw and read your posts pretty often.


Eeep! A stalker!

Well have fun in KS. I hear they have...um....roads there.  ;D
Avatar courtesy of www.mybadco.com
2012 Panigale 1199
2003 KTM 640 Adventure


None of the Cedar Rapids areaowners are active on the DMF.   I have invited them to visit - but they must have lives  ;D

We just got together last Saturday here in CR for a Christmas party.



figures I find out about this now that I live in Texas, owell hopefully I can find some riders down here in El Paso.  Hows the weather up north? weather down here has been great, but my bike has been in storage in Iowa since last September.  My buddy is bringing me my baby an m900sie on the 30th i can't wait!!!

Well just thought i'd say hi to my fellow Iowans and shout GO HAWKS and wish everyone a safe and hopefully soon riding season.



Ducs in Iowa? Who knew?  ;D

I'm in Iowa City and would love to hook up for a mellow ride sometime once I get my bike running again.

Speaking of which, are Dubuque and Des Moines still the only places with authorized Ducati wrenches or are there some other options now? I've haven't been on my bike for several years...
If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
Stealing their magic geese and helping them plummet to their deaths also has its advantages.


*chirp chirp chirp*  [laugh]

I hope everyone is out riding...

But would still like to hear about Duc dealers/wrenches in Eastern Iowa, if they're around. I'm doing most of the work to get my bike roadworthy myself but there are more than a few things I'll need a good mechanic to go over.
If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
Stealing their magic geese and helping them plummet to their deaths also has its advantages.


I'm up in the Okoboji area. silver S2R1000.
2007 BMW R1200GS Adventure
2006 S2R1000


Sorry Raziel...this portin of the board is infrequently visited hehe.
Onlt Duc wrench I am familiar with (and trust for that matter) in Iowa is Doug at Moto Sports. In fact, I got to spend Sunday riding MAM with him. The old guy can ride the wheels off a Duc. ;-)
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2012 Panigale 1199
2003 KTM 640 Adventure


Hello, I am in Cedar Rapids and I usually surf the DMF everyday but don't post much. I would be interested in a group ride sometime.

09' 696


That is

3. Barry...AKA BReam31

mors vito

Hi, I live in the Okoboji area, I'm kinda far from the rest of you, but just to let you know I willing to group ride sometime, I ride a '97 M750.

4. Jacob...aka mors vito

(I'm in college in SD during the school year but in Iowa in the summer.)
The Master of Puppies


this is a very old thread...but +1 for Des moines....
05 yellow s2r800


Belated Wlcome Aboard. Haven't seen any yellow Monsters around...I will have to keep my eye out. I am a west sider...
Avatar courtesy of www.mybadco.com
2012 Panigale 1199
2003 KTM 640 Adventure


well-just added a red/white s2r1000 to my collection.  Yellow and black might be for sale....
05 yellow s2r800