The Official "What will Spider buy" thread.

Started by mattyvas, November 29, 2008, 03:25:22 AM

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what do you get when u cross the multistrada a monster?? i hope you seen this video... if not start drooooooolllin




"No-one will steal a multi"......theft problem fixed too!!
OK well it was thinking outside the square, fairing should be termed renovators delight.
Mental note to self, next time have a great idea, put away red cordial for a while and re-think.

Scrambler...airfilter ewwww...Monster with a short tail, solo seat and flat bars...hang on, isn't that a Hypermotard!



Quote from: Betty on November 29, 2008, 04:15:52 AM
Not a vote actually, but having seen Goldie on the M1100 at Frasers I can't imagine 12 foot nine of spider being real comfy.

Yep, that is one cramped bike as compared to the older monsters - you won't see me parting cash for it

Quote from: Betty on November 29, 2008, 04:15:52 AM
As to the question: what will spider buy? Somewhere better to park his bike!

Does anyone know a good bank he can see for a loan?  [laugh]


Spider, go and ride an 848, I did the other day before my recent incident and loved it!.

Unfortunately my arms aren't long enough for me to make it an everyday rider but you wont have this problem [thumbsup]


i would like to hear the bike without the music in the back ground, don't like the filter sticking out either.
Before Honda CB125N
          Suzuki GS125
Now.   Ducati 620ie
          Lambretta Li150
          Ducati S4RT




hey spider have you started looking or have any idea yet what you want theres a black s2r on fleabay in your location


1198? Ptooey....great catalogue....but death on wheels for a rookie (I reckon it's the 2nd year that's a killer for some cyclists - too much ego, not enough experience!)

not yet Bazz....but I'll look at is just sitting there ready!


happy hunting mate , i hope get something thats you  [thumbsup]


Gee spider you got some thinking to do,with the current new Ducati's its going to be hard,

Another one would be a sports classic 1000.
If I wasn't who i was, I wouldn't be who I am !


jebus, just checked the regular places...S2R1000's are REAL thing on the ground at the moment (so are m1000s too)

everyone wants to sell their 749/999 so they can go buy a 1098 I think!!!

this could take longer than I thought......


Quote from: mostro-nero on December 02, 2008, 03:39:36 AM

what do you get when u cross the multistrada a monster?? i hope you seen this video... if not start drooooooolllin

fark thats ugly  [puke]