After my trip home from work the last 3 days, I gotta say I just cant believe how the drivers are carrying on down here!!
It appears that they are going all out to reach new lows in ignorance, stupidity and just plain shitful demonstrations of rude lethal driving.
Ignorant types doing 60k in an 80k highway in the middle and outside lanes blocking the stream of traffic (Chaos and cranky drivers abound )
Old fella does a right hand turn from the middle lane across 2 lanea and in front of 80k oncoming traffic (Not speeding though so I guess it just CANT be dangerous can it??)
Car load of young P platers doing more texting, phoning and partying than driving doing a left turn from the far right across 4 lanes. Scary!!
I dont know about the other States but please you guys and girls out there lift your roadcraft/awareness a notch or three and watch out. Drivers are just going nuts, I have been riding on Vic roads for quite a few years and in the last couple of days the standard of road user has been the worst I have seen .
Please be careful, I'd like to be able to chat with you all next year and swap stories about New Year hangovers and all. Merry Christmas and make it a SAFE one.