so... old news: disalvo went to m4 with cardenas, hacking and roger lee confirmed for attack kawi 600s... no kawi liter bikes this year, rapp and holden apparently didn't find a chair when the music stopped (now rapp is on a privateer ape), hodgson confirmed for corona honda - but with a factory crew, yosh is for sure mladin/tommy hayden/blake young, chaz davies on a rsvr 1k in the sportbike class (thanks new DMG rules), no mention of duhamel anywhere.
they were testing in fontana this week. day 1 tommy hayden is fastest, day 2 hodgson. tho on day 2 no reported times from the yosh guys; they tested on monday before everyone else and didn't participate on wednesday.
and hacking on a 98% bone stock zx6r is faster than all the other 600s. uh oh.