A quote from a person in that article
We make electric motorbikes for kids. Ages 4 to 10, which are great to learn on but also for competition level Trials (BMX with a motor) Unfortunately we can't pretend our bikes are for 12 and over, and the Gov has already said that won't work. Our paint meets the new levels but there is inacessable lead in the frames, spokes etc just like the Honda's and Yamaha's. Also every motorcycle electric and gas powered has a 'sealed' lead acid battery. There are no exceptions even though a kid would never get at the lead.
The law had good intentions but terrible unintended consequences. It's not only bikes, but bicycles, clothes, helmets, ski gear, scientific equipment for schools, even the desks in schools, and kids will also have to be banned from libraries. Heaven forbid they might learn to question their governments actions!
So even if they fix the paint issue the kids are still shit out of luck