I ran across this on ebay the other day:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260346374654&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:MOTORS:1123Braking (the company) rotors for half price. I asked the seller how he could do it, and this was his response:
"we JUST set up on ebay to try to move some overstocked items. they are not being discontinued but management wanted some moved asap at all costs"
Almost sounds too good to be true, like maybe there's a nigerian prince involved, and there's only 1 feedback so far. But the seller's profile and the other items for sale indicate they are associated with Sunstar, a sister company to Braking.
So evidently the polished (chrome looking) aluminum carriers aren't as big a hit with the euro bike crowd as with the rice rocket or harley owners. But that's the thing, I don't care much for the look either.
So any thoughts on how to tone down the polished carrier (which they recommend against disassembling). Sand blasting, chemicals? Whatever I use I don't want to mess up the rotor button function. And I have a fair amount of brushed aluminum on the bike so a finish that resembled that would work and I wouldn't have to repaint.
BTW, I'm in no way associated with these guys. Just thought I'd share.