I've been trying to talk mysef into the Speedymoto top triple for so long now, they are all out of stock again. I had an idea that may or may not work, but I would like to try it.
Nichols Mfg makes a sweet looking top triple for the superbikes that is $90 cheaper than Speedymoto. I had contacted Jim to see if they were planning on making one for the Monsters, but he said it wasn't in the works. I just sent him another email to see if he would be interested if I could get organize a group purchase. Considering that the triple is the same for all 2002+ Monsters, I figured we might be able to get him to consider it.
Here's a link to their SBK triple:
http://motorcycle.nicholsmfg.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=3&category_id=1&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=116Post up with thoughts.