juice box determines load by throttle positon and injector pulse width, vs, throttle position and rpm.
-makes sense that throttle and pulse with are a better indicator of load.- (rpm and throttle position could be the same under many different load conditions.)
FWIW, I installed one today, BIG differnce in fueling/performance, especially around the 4k flat spot in the stock bike.
it will not install as easily as the instructions suggest--- the injector connectors are almost impossible to access/remove without taking off the airbox/ECU, etc etc..took me 1-2 hours of fiddling and improvising tools to get the connectors off and the new cable and connectors routed thru' the engine/chassis..- perhaps easier to just remove the airbox and everything else first.
juicebox works great with the map that it comes with, it's cheap, and you CAN tune the fueling if desired- has incremental adjustments for accel. mix, full throttle mix, and the load point that each of those settings is activated.
whats' not to like?