Time for a snack, but I'm not quite sure how this induction cooktop works. It was 6 years of gas ranges since leaving Denver. It was 10 years of electric cooktops, but not induction. Hoping the learning curve isn't too steep.
I was going to ask how you like it compared to gas but you told me the other day all you've been doing was eating out.
Eventually, LMK how you like the induction and your preference vs gas. Home girl needs a new oven/stove (among a million other things).
In other news... 'ning.
Caught up on a few pages of reading posts before I'm off to swapping last week's work travel clothes for this week's. Shit make the beast with two backs is all I can add. Super sorry to see Z's (and yours and T's) issues, Nate. All the positive energy or vibes or whatever I can send telepathically with hope for the best possible outcome on both fronts.
New job has me traveling nearly every week and nearly every week there's a dog sitter issue and work drama and I'm all deer in the headlights drinking from the fire hose. No boredom here!
Ung: Enjoy time with the offspring!!
Health and happiness to all and safe, accident-free travels Mary!