Well, finally got my beloved 2006 S2R1K back after some minor woes, 20,000km service and having the heads and casings blasted clean - and in the case of the casings, painted a nice grey - which looks similar in colour to the newer bikes.
So I thought I'd post her up.
I've got some little aftermarket front turn signals to add, and a crankcase breather, and that'll about do it, i reckon.
She's running with the standard Euro ECU, full Arrow system, open box and K&N filter. I've also fitted the FatDuc Manipulator. The bike is running very well, with almost zero popping - I only get this now sometimes when riding very hard - 3rd - 2nd gear downshifts.
I'm getting anything between 200 and 240km's per tank. I'm using standard gearing.
Other mods are DP tail with integrated, smoked LED Tail light and turn signals, open clutch as you can see - the Motowheels clutch cover and the Rizoma Belt Covers really go well together IMO.
There is a DP Steering damper, CRG LS mirrors and Rhino Moto bar ends. A clutch cylinder and sprocket cover from MPL tuning parts.
Some CF for the front and rear ends finish her off..