Slipper clutch goodness!

Started by Duck-Stew, March 26, 2009, 09:52:37 PM

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Quote from: bozcoRob on March 28, 2009, 08:03:56 AM
On my slipper bike -

I don't need no car ;)

on my slipper bike, my slipper bike!   LOL!

Seriously, did about another 80 miles today with the slipper installed.  First things first, she needs more spring tension.  I find that when I want it to 'engage' more (more engine braking, less slippage), it's still free-wheeling.  So, I have to either shim the 4 aftermarket red springs I have, or find 6 stock springs in my piles of goodies.  But, it was nice and smooth as I entered the corners and overall more smooth than without.  Still enjoying it immensely.  [thumbsup]
Bike-less Portuguese immigrant enjoying life.